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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cold, Winter Weather and Such

the perfect time for warm and hot cocoa!

it has been nasty cold for the last week or so. like, windchill in the negative numbers, more snow....i know its january and all, but the weather should either make up it's mind, or go away. we had a weekend where it was 30, the next day it was 52 or something, and the next day it dropped to like 21. new york has the most bipolar weather ever. i am almost expecting next week to be warm again, since it just keeps going back and forth.

it's not even february yet, and usually it gets even colder then, so maybe this is a way just to prepare for what is coming. maybe i'll take a vacation or something to stay inside for the whole month. i can skip three weeks of work if i take my time all at once.

of course, theres also the option that i end up with a completely different job too. too much is going on lately, and i don't really like the way i am being treated. this has been such an awful week. i couldnt even eat for a day because i was being harassed outside of work on my days off. i won't share directly now, but it was something i only had so much control over. the few people ive spoken to have all told me its not my fault, and things should not be the way they are.

it basically amounts to super mega frustration. i got desperate and applied to a bunch of different places because i wasnt sure if i would have a job or not. luckily i am okay for now, but we will see how things turn out. i might respond to a place that emailed me yesterday.


isnt hot cocoa great?

i think so. this is the special dark cocoa that i made for everyone for christmas. it came out pretty good. especially with marshmallows. yeah buddy.

i know i missed out on wednesday, i honestly didn't really have much go on this week other than getting stressed to the max by work (like, seriously, its been a while, but i have been getting these "mini panic attack" sensations for the last few days. i would be better off without that happening).  i did have wednesday off. ron and i ended up going out and using a gift card that his dad got us for dinner and a movie. it would have been an awesome night, but then the harassing texts started coming from work. i had to stop responding because it was just dragging it out, and made it worse to the point i didnt feel like eating.

cheesecake makes everything better though. i finished what i could for dinner, and we got a slice of cheesecake to split for later. we walked around, went to our movie, and ended up having movie cheesecake in the theatre. best idea ever. would do again.

how cool is this? this was not from wednesday, but monday at my work. i was on a conference call (kind of, my other guy and i had the conference on speaker so we could both listen), i happened to look out the door and saw this. you could see all of the suns rays through the clouds and whatnot. i stepped out into the freezing cold to get a good picture rather than through our grimy glass doors. totally worth it. things like this make me want to paint. the colors of the sky were really awesome.

well, considering i didn't really have a super eventful week, i will wrap this up. i have tomorrow off, and am planning on making cheddar broccoli soup. i can't wait. i keep thinking of panera's soup and i decided that instead of spending $5 on a cup, i'll just spend $15 and make a whole bunch of it, and im pretty sure my soup is just as good.

that also reminds me, the soup topic came up at my physical therapy. i am actually done with it now, and doctors visits for a while. everything with my wrist/hand is doing pretty good. not 100% yet, but better than 10 weeks ago. i just have to keep exercising it at home. the nerves are still a little awkward, but those will take the longest to heal. at least i can function somewhat properly.

okay! i have to go to work and get everyone ready for the day.

i will leave you with this creepy snapchat from some morning....wednesday maybe? this is what we do when we have nowhere to go. lay in bed and torture the cats....they totally like it though, so its okay.

have a good week, i will hopefully have some delicious soup and whatnot on wednesday!! thanks for reading! ☺

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