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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Holy Holidays, Batman!

let me just say. i don't know if its the lack of payroll, (actually, that's probably it) or all the extra people, but daaamn. i'm just glad i haven't encountered any angry people yet. you know, the ones who are like, "why are you sold out of "blahblahblah" the day i need it when i could have purchased it weeks ago?!" well, because f#ck you, that's why.

#endrant #kindof

see, assface here has the right idea. this is kind of what i want to do: lay around, be in the sun and be warm. ideal situation. that is for another time though.

i don't really have much this week. i went and purchased my supplies for my cookies, so i will be starting those over the next two weeks. trying not to go overboard this year, i have only chosen 5 treats to make: a couple classics- chocolate chip and halfmoons, and something new- amaretto fudge, peppermint macarons, and chocolate caramel italian butter cookies (which i tried while in virginia beach, and i am hoping the ones i make do not disappoint me. i have been dying for them since october.) if i get the time i might make some gingerbread just for home or whatever, since, for the last 8 years, i have said i want to make it and never do.

i also have to come up with stuff for a couple christmas parties. i have not decided on those yet, but it will be something easy, no doubt. probably mini, too, because mini is the best.

oh, to be a cat and be lazy all day. or a bird. i could be a noisy asshole, technically the cats are noisy assholes, too.

i am just filling space, today. once in a while i get in these moods where i don't feel like doing anything. i know i should do something, but i just don't wanna. maybe i'll snap out of it before work or something. WHO. KNOWS. ☺

anyway, thanks for checking back, and hope you are looking forward to holiday treats as much as i am! thanks for reading! have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

As Promised- More Recipes (and Pictures)

alright, just two pictures i guess. it has been a tiring week, or time, or something like that. (hence why this is a day late.)

the pumpkin roll comes from nestle and libby's. it is pretty easy to make, and smells really good coming out of the oven. i've mentioned before, i am not the biggest fan of pumpkin, but from what i hear, it's quite tasty. ☺

i love the way it looks when it's all completed. swirls are pretty great. just saying.

so is cream cheese. speaking of cream cheese, i need to make a cheesecake. i dont know when, but soon. soooon.

the blueberry apple crisp came from one of my taste of home books. have i ever mentioned that i like to collect these? i mean, i don't buy every single one of them, but i typically look through them when i go shopping. i have a nice little stack, and the huge fall baking one (which is where this recipe came from).

this one is also super easy, as you pretty much dump all of the fruit and a few spices in a bowl, mix it up, then make the "crisp," mix that up, and sprinkle it on top. bam. easy as pie is how it works....or

this also smelled quite delightful upon exiting the oven. i love cinnamon and fall smells. cinnamon is like a warm hug for your nose. or in general.

just go look at the recipes. pay no mind to my sensless rambling.

only a few more weeks of retail nightmares and busy-ness to live through. i am tired. enjoy these pictures. we'll see if i am in any way productive soon.

christmas cookies soon, too, so tired or not, there will be more treats in a couple weeks.

have a good weekend, all! thanks for reading!