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Friday, July 15, 2016

Outer Banks 5: The Sunburn Strikes Back

another day in paradise, for real though. that phrase is in no way laced with any sarcasm like when it rolls out of my mouth when i'm at work, because fuck that place.

i am in paradise. i am happy. warm, slightly burnt, but happy. i would take all the sunburn to stay here longer. it is not going to stop me from going outside, by any means.

even with all the storms and stuff it's pretty nice. this was the one we watched go past us on tuesday night. it hit maybe about 3-5 miles north of us, so it made for a spectacular display in the early evening. clouds are cool.

it all started because ron saw swirling clouds and thought we were about to get a tornado, but they would probably have sent out warnings and stuff. it was just a crazy thunderstorm in the end.

screen captured some lightning! not nearly as cool as some of the pictures our friend kyle took, but cool none the less!

hmm. what else did we do yesterday? yesterday was pretty quiet. kristen, ryan, ron and i played some mini golf, while the others went to the elizabethan gardens, and we had a proposal! exciting, and congrats to kevin and carleigh! we grabbed some ice cream and some lunch/dinner, and had a beach day. got a little sun, and crashed somewhat early.

just a bunch of bodies floating in the ocean....haha. well, i guess we are going to rent a jeep to do some beach off roading, since we determined ron's car would get stuck, regardless of the 4x4 feature (he got stuck in our sand in the yard). i got in my beach run finally (at 6:30am), but it got pretty warm and humid, even for being on the ocean. forecast is for like 95 today!

should be fun! hoping to see some wild horses today! i'll leave you with my sunrise snapchats of the glorious ocean view. come back soon for more stuff! thanks for reading! ☺

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