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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Oatmeal Cookies and Chocolate Chip Cookies ♥

what a gloomy day it is today.

its so cloudy, snowing (what else is new), and windy! brrrr.

perfect day to sit around at home and make like 9 dozen cookies. wait, what? doesn't everyone do that? the world would be a happier place if everyone made cookies and shared.

so these oatmeal cookies from jen's favorite cookies are pretty awesome. soft and chewy, with a hint of cinnamon. i made half of the batch plain, as called for, and half i added coconut and chocolate chips. both are pretty amazing. they came out a little flat compared to the pictures, but if i refrigerate the dough next time, i bet that will help. it totally did with the chocolate chip cookies i made!

these right here are the coconut chocolate chip oatmeal variation, they even came out puffier than the plain ones, but that's probably because there is more stuff in them. meh, that's just one more reason i will have to make them again, other than the fact that they are delicious!

more cookies for everyone!! ☺

it has been too quiet. i can only force so many hours out of my jobs. i need to work more! i have to say though, i probably won't randomly apply anywhere anytime soon due to the last fiasco with trying to switch jobs. the money was nice for a couple weeks, but oh well. maybe i can sell some of these cookies instead of eating them all.

i mean....what? who said anything about eating anything?....
#noshame #ate4sofar

i super love soft, smushy, barely done chocolate chip cookies. these are so perfect. i'll just have to see if they stand up to overnight now. i actually studied, and (of course) have a pin about the science of chocolate chip cookies all about how the subbing/adding/removing of different ingredients and their reactions. i didn't actually change anything for this recipe, other than refrigerating the dough and making sure the pans were completely cool before putting the dough on them. they came out really nice! surprisingly enough, i did not get this one from pinterest, but allrecipes, and here is the link.

oh, i can't eat any more of them. i just ate lunch and they are calling out to me, and my stomach is saying "please, no! least not now!" i will resist!! until after work tonight. a cookie before bed, am i right?

i am waiting on the last batch, and then off to the restaurant tonight. i work tomorrow night as well, and then i am going up north with heather on saturday night to sunday to help her out with a birthday party. might bring a few cookies as a snack. well, not might. will.

maybe tomorrow before work i will experiment with more quinoa stuff. i haven't decided if i want to do the buffalo chicken next or the cheddar broccoli, either way, it will depend on if i can remember to bring a little portion cup of cheese home from work tonight. wow. i am kind of realizing that i like to talk about food with myself. i know not many people are reading this, but eh, i'm still gonna post anyway. food and i can be friends forever! i don't need anything else!!! (wait, i'm joking...please come back!)

on another note other than food, have i ever mentioned how much of a pain my quaker is? he loves to terrorize my cockatiels and satch, and eat everyone else's food. i am surprised that he hasn't gained a stump rather than his nubby toes courtesy of satch. 
this just spells trouble.

i am also surprised he doesn't say more than he does, the number of times i repeat everything to him, or in the vicinity (ex: "go back to your house!" "leave him alone!" "get back down there!" *insert other obscenities here* etc). he is too smart. he thinks he knows everything, and will copy or "anticipate" what i am going to say or do next. i will lean over to give kisses, and he will make kissing noises before i get there, or he will raspberry sometimes based on what my facial expressions are (yes, he can tell the difference). when i put satch to bed at night, he will snuggle with my hand and try to regurgitate food at me (sign of affection for birds), and i say, "no, you keep your puke." mr. nubs in the next cage over tells him to keep the puke because he knows i am going to say it. he picks up all these stupid things. i tell him he's dumb, but he really is smart. the biggest little smart ass ever.

ohh, dat face. ohhh, my son. and then we have cosmo, who lives in his newspapers. i don't know why. he doesn't shred them or anything, he just sleeps under them. every morning when i wake him up, (at least like 8 out of the last 10) he is underneath his papers, and his little head pops out. i say good morning, he comes out and says "i love you." ohh, he is a special one. they all are.

okay, that was crazy bird lady rant, which i'm sure noone cares about. well, the two or three people reading this might know me, so they might care, but probably not as much as they care about the cookies. cookies don't bite back. when they do, it will be a zombie cookie apocalypse. i'm not sure they would stand a chance though, considering how many people i know that like cookies. it would be a short apocalypse, and then there would be obesity....oh wait...i shouldn't say things like that.

i suppose i will have to get ready for my weekend tomorrow. some laundry should be in order, bird care, the know. regular stuff.  well, thanks for reading as usual! come back soon! ♥

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