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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Despicable Cake....Keeping Busy!

who doesn't love the minions from despicable me?

another rhetorical question. if you don't, then GTFO.

i am pretty sure they are one of my favorite movie characters of all time. like, top 10. maybe even top 5. i haven't given the list much thought, since i am just making this up as i go along, but they're definitely up there in terms of favorite characters. also, considering i can never have just one favorite anything.

oh my goodness the weekend was busy! i feel like i haven't been this busy in a while, but it's alright. i wish i could stay busy, because then i wouldn't get tired. when i have the chance to rest, tiredness ensues, and when that happens, it takes forever for me to recover. i was actually able to sleep until like 10:23 this morning, but it doesn't feel like it. i just feel like i want to sleep more. i'm glad i worked for a little while today.

i really have to start cleaning and packing more. i only have like 2 weeks....and that's being generous. i keep getting distracted, although these cakes were for a good cause to be distracted. or something like that. you know what i mean, right?

i feel like everybody's birthday is in march. with whatever creeping occurs on facebook, its like every day has had like 5 birthdays or something. it's craaaaazy.

with all of this cake lately, somewhere along the line i started craving cookies now. probably because of pinterest. there have been lots of cupcakes and whatnot, but i saw a pin about the science of baking the perfect chocolate chip cookies. of course i was interested, it showed all these different variations of changing out ingredients and their reactions. ohhh now i really want some chocolate chip cookies. i've got a killer recipe from allrecipes (HA! not pinterest!) that involves vanilla pudding, they are super awesome. i also have a bacon chocolate chip cookie recipe somewhere that are equally phenomenal. then my boss was talking about oatmeal cookies, and i haven't had/made a good oatmeal cookie in a loooong time. i do enjoy them. all their cinnamony goodness....they give you the warm fuzzies. so one or the other, or probably both, will be coming out of the oven in the next week or so.

i love purple. i really like the way this cake came out. it was just a simple marble cake with buttercream, and lavender accents. the green gave it a nice touch, too.

i always think how fun it would be for someone to surprise me with some epic cake for my birthday, but i always end up going out (the last couple years to cheesecake factory because the day before is national cheesecake day! hell yeah! any slice half price! okay, ill stop there.), or i have made my own...or i just leave the state and go on vacation and not worry about anything. i have been bouncing this kingdom hearts cake idea around in my head for some time, and every year i never bother because something else comes up. of course, it is also a huge three tier cake, and i don't know enough people to come and share it with me, so i would be eating cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for like a week. that is kind of a lot of cake for one person to eat.

not to mention i am still making that healthy eating attempt. chocolate chip cookies are sure to ruin that, but i bet they are better than eating candy and manufactured stuff.

i made these little quinoa pizza bites earlier in the week, they were super awesome! that was my first quinoa experiment. via pinterest. derp. anyway, i found a few more things i will try soon, like buffalo chicken quinoa bites, and cheesy broccoli quinoa....who doesn't like cheese and broccoli? okay, i know one person, but it's only because they get violently ill when eating them together for some strange reason. i also have a few shrimp waiting for me in my fridge for tomorrow night. thinking about some alfredo. that sounds awesome. also a good reason to use up the ton of pasta and spaghetti that i have stored away. carrrrbs.

 so yeah. been working, need to pack, need some cookies and more quinoa. i am pretty sure it is my new addiction, depending on how many things i can do with it. well, it is time for me to go to bed, and then back to work tomorrow. hopefully i will have more posts for you later this week. thanks for reading!

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