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Sunday, February 23, 2014

LONG Weekends, and More Crazy Bird Lady Talk

it has been such a long time since i have worked long hours. i know i am a workaholic and live for this kind of thing, but with my recent hour cuts i have been getting lazy. so when i got hired for a third (temporarily) job and worked three 13 hour days in a row on top of that not sleeping thing. considering i wake up at about 7:30am and go to bed between 11:30 and midnight, that's a pretty long day. feet hurt, back hurts, eyes won't stay open.....

i got to sleep in today, at least. i mean, i made it until 8:30, that's pretty good, right? then i sat around on the internet for an hour. resting! ohh yeahh. i really missed my main job today, though. i was happy to be back.

okay, so this picture was earlier in the week, what, wednesday night? but come on. video games, standees that are as big as your friend...what's not to love? well, there's that whole customer thing occasionally, but sometimes that is half the fun, whether they are cool or mildly "handicapped."

new shirts lol
i am still trying to figure out the new place though. it seems cool, the people are cool....i am not sure how i feel i fit in there yet though. during the interview they seemed impressed that i have supervisory/managerial experience, yet somehow i ended up as a cashier. not what i had in mind. two of the three long days, i got a chance to do other things too which was kind of nice, but i don't know. i really don't want to be a cashier. it is the worst possible thing ever, the most boring job, EVER. the last place that did this to me wouldn't even let me leave the counter, and i got in trouble for not answering the phone when i was helping customers who were in front of me that very second. completely frustrating.

i am also nervous of the whole small children factor....yeah. kids and i don't mix very well. there haven't been too many just yet, but apparently at their other location they get them by the bus full. insert me crying in the corner, rocking back and forth....that is the only outcome, other than picking up and leaving. i suppose for now i will wait it out and see, hopefully i won't get stuck as a cashier. otherwise, maybe i will go back to the restaurant.

speaking of the restaurant, i'm pretty sure i am making a lot of people sad. i am sad. they are like my other family. it has been 5 years since i've started. one of my waitresses almost cried when she found out. i totally did. i will probably hang out friday and saturday nights after work at the bar, kind of like my last hurrah. so any readers who are not working on friday or saturday nights, feb 28 and mar 1, i will be at my work, after work, around 9:15-9:30 if you would like to join me. ♥

needless to say, the past week has been pretty tiring. i am still hoping things will work out for the best, although the best for me is usually not the greatest, since i think people tend to take advantage of me sometimes. i work hard, ask for next to nothing, and usually get no thanks. meh.

if i have the time, i would like to bake a little something this week too, i was thinking some more cupcakes with a caramel theme. you can't really go wrong with caramel. it's delicious, it's multi-purpose, it can even be healthy if you eat it on fruit, did i mention it's yummy? see? can't go wrong. the end.

let's see....i have introduced fat baby, sora, and my how about kairi today? (yes, my cockatiels names are sora and kairi, kingdom hearts reference for anyone who catches it out there, but yes, the boy is kairi, and the girl is sora).
dat face....

but look at the bottom one. i just took that picture. sora likes to have her head rubbed or scratched by anyone. when she is next to kairi, she will lean over to see if he will preen her, but he has no idea what to do, so he just copies her. i am pretty sure kairi would be the definition of dumb blonde if he were a real person. he is kind of special. he gets kind of crusty sometimes too, since he drools a lot, so his food will make little crusties on the sides of his beak. luckily these pictures don't show that, and show more of his (almost) sensitive side.

on that note, it is time for some pizza, buffalo tenders, and how i met your mother. thanks for reading, and wish me luck for the rest of the week!

that is, if i get my schedule....

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