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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

In Memory of Pretty Girl Sora

see this pretty girl here? she is pretty much the best ever. i know i say that about all my kids, but for serious. sora was one of the most docile, friendly little things you would ever meet. granted, she didn't like the act of being picked up, but she was fine once it was over with, and would just sit with you until she got hungry.

sora was 11 years old, and she passed away this monday afternoon.

my poor, poor girl. she had been sick for a little while, almost a week, but in the end, i hope she was at least happy, as i tried my best to aid her in her time.

sorry, but today is going to be a picture show. i haven't really done anything. i do have a cake to make this weekend, but things like this are more important to me. i left work early because i couldn't handle that. eleven years, dude. come on. i am serious when i say these guys are my kids. imagine raising someone for 11 years, only for it all to come to an end?

anyways, there is always a time for sadness (which leads to tiredness and laziness....or lack of motivation, anyway), but you can always carry on and remember the good times.

she wasn't one much for bath time, at least not in her water dish. that would be the top picture. i believe she was my second blog post ever, where i was on my way to work, and she decided it was bath time after i had changed her water (unlike cosmo, whom for some reason thinks when i turn on the vacuum, it's bath time). she liked the spray bottle, though. she and kairi would keep going until i ran out of water sometimes.

speaking of punk ass, he has been sitting near her house, occasionally whistling and kissing in that direction for the past day. my poor boy. they were only a couple months apart, him being older. i hand fed both of them when they came home. kairi didn't care for it so much, but sora was my fatty fat fat. she would eat all day long.

most birds who hang out will preen each other, but not these two. i think it was mostly kairi being lazy, but sora would put her head down for him to preen, and he would just copy her, which resulted in them sitting head to head for periods of time, just peeping occasionally, thinking one might comb the other's feathers.

ron always felt she was special, and loved her the most. she was his "girlfriend," i wonder if kairi ever felt any jealousy toward him? either way, since the beginning, she would sit with him for extended periods of time, chill in his puffy hair, and just be happy. ohh she was so good, so soft. she loved having her head and neck rubbed. even in the end, she would just wait, and put her head down for you to reach in.

my baby girl, sora. you are forever loved, and will be greatly missed, by me, by ron, and by the rest of the kids, especially punk ass. i hope you are in a good place enjoying all the millet, eggs, and sunflower seeds you could ever hope for. ♥♥♥♪♫♪♥♥♥

thanks for reading. cake probably next time.

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