pretty cool, huh? i mean, for warcraft, anyway. i can't say that i am the biggest fan, but i will give them that they have some cool artwork. also, these were made by the bride's sister in law! yay for art people!
so yeah. had a nice super long weekend away from work to....well, work, anyway. it counts as work because i got paid. i put a lot of work into everything. here are some pictures, anyway.
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snapchat of my fridge the night before we left |
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hotel room pinterest gift artwork |
we arrived friday night to store everything in the cooler at the elks lodge the reception was being held at, and saturday morning we woke up early to finish frosting and assembling. the weather did not make things easy, considering it was a nice, sticky 90 degrees outside by the time we were ready to stack the tiers after the ceremony.
i really wish i had brought my cake turn table. it would have made things easier, but it also weighs like 10 pounds, so oh well. i think it came out pretty good. even in the heat, the flowers did not melt or run and completely melt all over. the toppers definitely each took a dive at separate points, but they didn't break, at least. (okay, we lost an ear on the bride, but it was only an ear, at least they didn't explode into a million pieces.)
as you can see, ron even helped with some of the decorating and stuff. it worked out pretty well, and we were able to get the cake done in decent time so we could get ready and such beforehand. oh, and buy a memory card for my fancy new birthday camera. ♥
oh yes. i am excited to announce that i no longer have to take pictures with only my iphone, but i am now the proud owner of a nikon d3200 digital camera. i have two different lenses. filters. a fancy carry bag. i can adjust the shutter speed, aperture, and a ton of other things. it is like a digital 35mm camera. i am so excited. but, as i discovered, i have to remember that its not a phone, and the screen won't adjust if you tap on it. it is all coming back, though. i mean, i have a canon power shot, which is mostly just point and shoot, but this is my favorite, to be able to adjust things and have control over what you are shooting. don't get me wrong, i love my 35 as well. i love having the actual film and, if i had a dark room, the ability to develop said film to see what comes out. this is seriously exciting, though. like, for seriously. best. early. birthday. EVER.
all made possible by this guy. ♥♥♥
and maybe a minor meltdown friday afternoon. i mean, timed stress is really the worst, meaning when you have a crap ton of things to do and not enough time to do them in, and you feel like you actually need help to do said things, and your bowl of frosting explodes which thankfully is able to be saved anyway, and you feel like you are forgetting things, your hand seems to be broken and you're not sure why, get a.d.d. and clean fifty other things and leave for a 2 hour drive, and then arrive and realize you forgot to grab a change of normal clothes. yep.

but that is done and over with, i just ended up wearing a dress half the weekend, and the same pants and tank top i arrived in the rest of the weekend. i am used to that.
it is totally okay though. birthday camera made it all better. at least relieved some of the stress, anyway.
also, everything has to break at the same time. ever have that happen? like that saying, "everything comes in threes." i don't think its threes. its more like a whole cluster fuck. my wrist here, i have no idea what happened. any pressure on my thumb, like depressing a button for example, it hurts all the way through my wrist. just started friday. a few other things making it hard to function also have to happen, 'im sure you don't want to know all of my personal details, but both hands are crippled and it hurts to talk and eat. meh. oh, and my shoulder. at least i have today and tomorrow off. maybe i can sleep half the day or something. i say that, but it will never happen. no relaxation for me. 19 days!
meh. you know what else though? shiny new camera! 19 days! day off! happy things! maybe i'll eat a cupcake later. oh, and my son!!
and dis is why he is the bestest ever. i figured it was nice out today, and ron's car is with a friend for repairs, so i drove him to work and we took satch out for a drive. he is so good.
he got a little overwhelmed for a bit, but once things calmed down and i was able to put my hand near him, he was fine. he was in the back seat on the way there with the windows and stuff half open, and he sat up front with me and the air conditioning on the way home. i really think he just wanted to be close to me. i love him.
i stuck my hand on his door and he started popping, whistling, "speak"-ing and saying pretty boy. he even burped a few times and then growled at the people at the ice cream shop as we drove by. (by the way, birds don't really burp, but he learned to copy the sound from only the best- *points to self*- this guy.)
alright. well, i guess i am going to call it quits for today. i am not sure what i will have for wednesday, but who knows. i have tomorrow off. i am going to hang out for the rest of the day. have a good week, all. thanks for reading! ☺
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