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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Preparing For a Wedding- Cookies!

so for the next week or so, i am on a crazy schedule around work. i have cookies and cake, and all the decorations to make for said cake. and yes, this is around both works. holy balls.

although, the first four days have been okay so far. i am hoping to keep to this "schedule" so i can give myself lots of time and deadlines, and not go crazy.

these cookies. just look at them. puffy little clouds of confectionary genius.  i can't take all of the credit though. the recipe comes from pinterest, via authentic suburban gourmet for "lofthouse style cookies." go ahead. i'll let you click that link and check it out. they are totally a copy of those lofthouse soft sugar cookies with an inch of frosting on them you can get from the grocery store. (tops has them around here.)

they are pretty close in terms of deliciousness and all that good stuff. they make a pretty good sugar cookie for general stuff, minus the thick layer of frosting. i am going to make a flood icing for these and make them all fancy. flowers and hearts. maybe they don't look much like it now, but by sunday night that is what is going to happen. the recipe itself is pretty easy, but the dough is sticky and you have to work with it fast while it is cold. it also makes a lot, but you can half it pretty easily. if you get the opportunity, make these. eat them. be happy.

keep it cold! otherwise you are going to have a mess. just saying. they are worth the effort, though.

i also have a pile of gumpaste flowers i rolled and cut on monday. they are going to border the top edge of the cake. they are drying for the week, and once ready, i am going to paint them blue and purple.

why the egg carton? well, if you let them dry in there, they keep the shape. instead of a flat flower, you have a little flower cup, or something similar to how an actual flower would be like. i was dumb though, and piled too many in each, so i had to take them apart. some still have the curl though. i think it will come out okay.

little tiny cookie cutters. the cookies are about 2" wide, and the cake flowers are a little over an inch. i also have smaller ones that are a half inch that i punched out, as well. i spent a couple hours doing that.

tomorrow is cake time. i want to get all the layers baked by the time i go to work. i have to work doubles friday and saturday, so it will be difficult to get anything done.

i actually went for a jog kind of thing on monday night. it went over better than i thought. i have an app to kind of guide me into it, or work up to being able to jog longer distances. it is kind of exciting. ron and i got some running clothes, so i'll get to try that out in the next day or so, instead of sweating all over my regular clothes. true story- i know what sweaty feels like. the struggle is real.

ah, and i think i have to end here today. work is calling. in abour 30 days, i will be heading out for north carolina for a week to get the f*ck away from everything. i feel like i am going to need it more than i already do. i am getting transferred to a new store with some bad news for me. i am not thrilled. someone is going to die, or i am going to punch someone until i am boss and do everything myself. im just going to think about the beach though. maybe running on the shore in the morning. that sounds nice.

have a good weekend, thanks for reading! ☺

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