first off, i have a bunch of pictures to share. secondly, there's a little food, but today is all about cars. also, i am totally going to rant a little bit (hence the restart of today's blog).
lets start out with something happy, i guess. those cakes i had to make last week? came out okay. from what i heard back, people liked them. they were just basic vanilla/chocolate cakes with buttercream icing. the pokemon cake was piped, and the log cabin was air brushed. i need to work on my air brush skills a little. it came out okay for not really referencing a picture though.
it got a little darker once it dried, but it still looked okay. like i said, i have to work with the air brush a little more.
honestly, after what i just went through tonight, i am not feeling too happy. rather, a little sick. tired. kind of unsure how to feel, otherwise.
see, i went out to borrow some crutches because ron pulled a muscle this morning and ended up in bed all day. when i got to my destination, i noticed something was missing. apparently, in july last year, the worst fucking month on record ever in the history of existence, she was scrapped, and noone bothered to tell me. you guys think i am a crazy bird lady, but dont forget about my cars.
my poor girl met her demise and i didnt even get to say goodbye.
sure, she may look like your ordinary four door sedan. or maybe to some a piece of junk because of the dents and creases. to even some still who didnt know her, a rusted piece of crap with too many miles that wasnt worth anything. THAT, my friends, is where you are so wrong.
midori was my best friend.
for ten years......TEN years....we were inseparable. even with my other cars, i would still choose her to take me where i needed to go. 288,000-something miles (granted, about 100k were from before i got her).
we rolled the quarter million together in maryland, on our way back from north carolina. that was a trip noone thought she could make because of her miles, but she proved everyone wrong. midori went to corolla.
i have a picture of her with the sign somewhere, but i cant access it at the moment. my external hard drive wont start up. anyway.....
call me stupid all you want. we laughed together, cried together, honestly, i talked to her when i had noone else to go to. she knew all of my secrets, all about my life. we had good times and bad, all around. she taught kris to drive. on one of our first dates, ron would not drive her, so i told him to "be a man and drive my car," and then promptly ran over a curb with her, and from then on, about 90% of the time he got behind the wheel, the check engine light would come on, but i would drive for 10 minutes and it would go off again.
we went to concerts, to school, on various road trips (aside from north carolina, she went to cape cod, new york city, and to canada on accident), pretty much everywhere. she protected me from the elements, from other people, and took care of me, as i did my best for her.
this is all i have left.
her emblems, the grille, rear view mirror, and part of the front seat. oh, and the spare key i wore on my arm for months when they gave away her license plates. i carry that around in my purse.
i have a couple small boxes of various things we had gathered over the years, i still have to get my keychain back. i couldnt even think of anything other than taking what was left and getting out. when i got home, i popped in our favorite driving cd, and mounted my happy flower from new york city to miku's ceiling, and played her song.
that cd is never leaving the deck, ever, after this.
as ive been typing and thinking for the last hour or so, i am still completely blown away. i dont know what to feel. did i do something wrong? why would noone tell me? sure, i may not come around much, "we have our own lives." even though i explained it before, maybe noone realized how much she meant to me. i thought it was pretty obvious. she was not just a car to me, but so much more. i know i am repeating myself, but i kind of dont know what else to do. noone would help until it was too late and i couldnt do anything. she didnt deserve this at all. she gave me, and others, everything, and was pretty much everything i could ever ask for.
oh, chest pain. how i dont miss you.
even though it happened months ago without me realizing- no, without my knowledge because it was hidden from me, this is my tribute to her. at least it is over. no more suffering. to my best friend, midori- you and your legend will live on with me for as long as i live.
so screw you guys who think im totally crazy. the end.

i made some more of those awesome red velvet nutella "cinnamon" rolls that i made last year for valentines day. i got up kind of early to make them. i only had a small batch though, since i only had one yeast packet. they were just as delicious as i remember them being.
you cant really go wrong with nutella, though. or, in my book, red velvet. especially with the cream cheese icing.
that was on saturday morning. ron and i took the weekend off for valentines day. mostly, anyway. i ended up working the restaurant on friday and saturday. fridays are always busy, and saturday because they needed the help. we got to sit down for dinner on saturday though, so it was kind of nice.
friday we tried to go to the syracuse auto expo, but it turned out that it didnt open until 4pm, so we ended up driving around for a bit. since it's tax time, we had a little money set aside, so we went mattress shopping, and scored a queen set for really cheap. we also got some clothes for work (for him) and i got some thrift store dresses for cheap. yay discounts!
we ended up at the auto expo on saturday afternoon. not that we have any money for fancy new cars, but its fun to go and check them out.
first off, we have the new scion tc, the last ever mitsubishi lancer evo xi, the subaru sti, and the honda civic si. i love the orange. obnoxious colors on cars are the best.
then, we have a classic ford mustang, and the cobra. they have a section dedicated to racing stuff. im pretty sure its local, or at least in the state.
fancy! the lexus f sport coupe, and the electric bmw i8. the doors are neat. the wing doors always amused me. this was kind of the center of attention in this section. people wouldnt stop touching it.
the corolla, of course (since no show is complete without me checking out the latest model), and then we went back to the civic. the 6 speed shifter was pretty nice, and the interior was awesome. it may warrant a test drive. ron says he will never own one though, since civic owners are "stereotyped." you can say that about a lot of types of cars though. i wonder what people think of corolla drivers?
probably nothing fitting of me. i will admit i am one of a kind.
here we are from saturday. all fancy and stuff. i even wore heels and tortured myself at the car show. it was a fun day. i ended up just wearing an apron over my dress at work. a few people i work with complemented me on it. good times.
alright. well, it is officially monday as i am finishing this. i have tired myself out from crying for the last couple of hours, and probably will more tomorrow. i dont know. well, sorry for the super long rant. hopefully i will have something for wednesday. i am working doubles wednesday through friday, so if anything maybe i can get a little update in. thanks for reading.
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