true story, though. a year ago today was my first blog entry. how cool is that? not that i have many readers, but hey, i like doing this. it is like my creative flow and venting place. something like that. i made a crap ton of stuff again today, and im still not done yet.
lets start out with some cupcakes.
i have been in the mood for some chocolate lately (im sure ive mentioned that, with all the crap going on recently), so i decided to get that out of the way today. the idea i had was a little different to begin with, but i am not going to complain. honestly, i cant really remember what the initial idea was. ohhh well.
i ended up with chocolate orange cupcakes. why? just because i can. they may not look very orange-y, but i put three oranges worth of zest into the cupcakes, plus a little grand marnier. i put the booze in the frosting, too.THEN, just for the holidays sake, red sprinkles! because who doesnt like sprinkles?
i have not tried them yet, i made them a little different from normal. it is still the same hersheys cupcake recipe that i use, i just swapped out a couple ingredients. no coconut oil this time. i ventured to wegmans today and bought almond milk. im not really sure why, anymore though. i thought it was supposed to be better for you, with almonds having all the protein and whatnot. there is hardly any in this. i will have to investigate more, but it seems to be working out okay. i cant tell the difference so far! i used a little in place of some of the water the recipe called for, they puffed up a lot, and had the most epic cupcake dome ever.
on another note, on friday i had to say goodbye to my rental. i got the call that my girl was all done at the shop! (yes, i totally took a selfie with my car.)
i am so glad to have her back. i missed driving stick. they even waxed and washed her. the interior was all vacuumed....i love new car smell. everything was awesome!
until this.
i have to go back tomorrow. i was told she would be 100% done, and its like they skipped my little ground fx piece. i do not think i should have to pay myself to have this fixed, when I DIDNT DO IT. ARGH.
needless to say, it better get taken care of, because i am not the one who did this to my car. completely frustrating. everything else is great. sure, it is a small spot, but to me, someone who is obsessed with their car, it is the most awful thing ever, and it will irk me to the end of eternity if it doesnt get fixed. hopefully i will know more tomorrow.
i have been going since like 7 this morning. ron has been at work all day. i couldnt go back to sleep, so i got up, played with the internet, messed with my hair, went to wegmans, then baked stuff all day.
i have two cakes this week. they seriously all hit at the same time, every time. one is pokemon themed, and the other is for a 50th birthday, with a log cabin. i have them set aside, and will decorate the pokemon one, at least, tomorrow.
the cupcakes were also today. these blondies were on todays list, too. they were the reason i bought the almond milk. i did not realize it, but unless there is any milk in the chocolate chips (semi sweet), they are vegan! haha! no eggs or dairy....they actually came out pretty good.
they are peanut butter blondies, so you pretty much taste all peanut butter. the recipe was pretty easy, too. you can do half of it in the microwave.
i even added a little dollop of frosting (and sprinkles) since i had some left over. they are really moist. a little crumbly, but i think that is because of the whole wheat flour. its not a bad thing though. definitely recommend!
why stop there? because that would be silly. my arm didnt hurt enough i guess from stirring, shaking, whisking.....i made more muddy buddies (for one of rons co workers), i have a pizza crust made of cauliflower waiting for me- and, for ron to get home (more on that next time), and granola bars!
damn. everything required so much stirring and folding today. my arms really are sore. and my legs. i did not sit down until about 15 minutes ago when i started typing. i really want to take a nap.
anyway, these are kind of my favorite granola bars to make. no bake. pretty universal, as in you can put whatever you want in them (this time i added honey nut cheerios). the flax seeds are a nice touch to get all them omega 3's and whatnot.
the pan of them will usually last me a week or so. especially since i have like 20 pounds of other desserts to eat this week. although, these are more breakfasty. breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.
on that note, i just downloaded the buzzfeed app. i think they are my new favorite place on the internet. i love all the video reviews and things they do, and they usually have some fun articles on there. like this one i found earlier, on valentines gifts for yourself. note item 13- can it waffle? its a f*cking book on what things you can put in a waffle iron. i really like the toast hand warmers, and the herb garden fish tank, too. i was quite seriously laughing (and considering) the can it waffle book. it made me happy to see things like that exist.
on a closing note, its time for selfie sunday! yaaayy!! (maybe?)
you get to see my birds again. theyre adorable. deal with it.
ohhhhh mister. i love his face so much. he was snuggling with my hand, and tried to throw up on me, so i had to pick him up and this happened. i got bored. i know i can be, uh, "special," sometimes.
i bought more fruit for ron to juice today, and the pineapples were huge. like, bigger than my head huge. the stupid thing has got to be like eight pounds. i put nubs next to it and sent that picture to ron while he was at work. it towers over him, he is such a butt.
then we have cosmo. i caught him on camera inside his box. he is so camera shy. as soon as i pick my phone up, he knows, and he will run and hide. sometimes if i want pictures of him, i have to be stealthy. he is a bastard.
remember how i mentioned my hair earlier? i tried something new and curled it. kind of. its wavy, anyway. i spent like 45 minutes. thats almost too girly for me. max bathroom time is like 20 minutes when i shower, unless its been a long week or im sick, in which case its like 30 minutes so i can hang out in the steam. im sure you totally wanted to know all that about me.
anyway, i guess i am going to continue to wait for my husband to get home, then make this pizza, and probably go to bed. i am tired. well, thanks for reading. have a good week!
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