ohh i was feeling sad for a while. i was making a payment with my discover card, and looking through all of the things i could possibly use the cashback bonus for, and i found these "extras," which basically they give you free money to buy stuff....soooo i got free money for tea from adagio teas (. even better: while browsing the website, i got a pop up from adagio asking for my email for MORE free money. why the f*ck would i say no to free money for tea? so that happened. i got 7 different kinds of tea to add to my other 20-30 or so. zero f*cks given. happiness ensues.

look at all of this fun!! happy! yum! ♥♥♥☺♥♥♥
today i had the earl grey moonlight (which is like an earl grey cream), the cocomint (chocolate mint green tea), rooibos vanilla chai, and foxtrot (which is a peppermint vanilla chamomile). aaaahhhhh. i am going to try the coconut and vanilla rooibos tomorrow. the vanilla rooibos, and even the coconut i was thinking of mixing together, or with the plain chamomile. i am excited. i hope it can keep me happy for a bit. i have to finish and deliver a cake tomorrow before work as well.
this is just the start, of course. i have my cakes covered, flowers and mask made, i just have to color and decorate tomorrow. it is to be a masquerade theme, if you can't tell by the mask. it will be more exciting tomorrow, i promise.
supposedly i have some cupcakes to make next week, but i haven't gotten all the details yet....i am getting a little worried on time. why i ask for a few weeks in advance- so i can prepare properly (and make sure i have enough money to prepare).
aside from that, hopefully i have a free day soon, i have been waiting to make some hair bows! i have some for the wedding i will be in, and i also just want to make all of my game lanyard ones. i feel like i have been waiting a few weeks now, and while i like making cakes and stuff, things keep coming up. maybe it's a spring thing. i want summer. or at least a day off during summer, when i will still drink tea anyway. got to keep the happy juice flowing.
and now, just for fun, it's my soooonnnn. he had some green tea with me and was so happy. he is the best ever. you know what else is good? top gear. not the 'murican one, but the british top gear. oh my god, they were just racing a caravan (aka: suv with one of those little campers hitched to the back) around the test track for the fastest time, and the trailer lost a wheel....and they still finished the lap. the second one? flipped the trailer. oohhh my goodness. if only i hadn't had four cups of tea today, that would make my life complete. i am pretty sure jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, and james may are my heroes, and i wish the stig would drive my car.
oh man. good times. goooood tiiiimes. alright, that is going to end my rant tonight. i will post cake pictures tomorrow, or sometime in the next few days. thanks for reading!
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