on the plus side, i am staying at the restaurant where they are happy to have me, AND work with my schedule.
what can you do though. i am glad things are back to normal, albeit i am still short on hours. maybe things will change on that end though.
in other news, come on, weather. stop being such a negative nancy. seriously. its expected to be -5 tonight.
i think this weather calls for some soup.
i made this cheddar broccoli soup a few weeks ago, and it was spectacular. click here for the recipe, i found it via pinterest. (yes, i realize i am slightly addicted to pinterest, but there is a lot of good stuff there! i almost use it more than google.)
i want to make it again, but i don't have the money for all of that. it was super delicious, no canned things (other than the vegetable broth, but that was in a carton...), it made up pretty quickly. i feel like any other cheddar broccoli soup pales in comparison to this.
enough about that though, i am about to attempt some chicken noodle soup in my crock pot, i got the recipe from here. also courtesy of pinterest.
it looks easy enough. chicken noodle soup is kind of a classic for cold weather and colds. sounds like just the cure i need! (yes, was feeling somewhat sick again last night, too cold, nose burning, you know how colds are. they SUCK.) so yes, i will be preparing some soup tonight, or something like that. i have to use up as much food as possible in the next few weeks, as i am moving across the parking lot. i have a ton of egg noodles. i found an egg noodle based lasagna i want to try, too.

onward! to crazy bird lady time again!
look at my darling poopsicle.
♪♫his name is cosmo,
he's not a show girl,
he is green with a yellow nape,
he loves to scream and dance all day♫♪
...and that's my made up song for the day. that's about all i know of the top of my head, but cosmo.....he is a special one.
he is best friends with a half of a coconut that he will occasionally throw up on (it's a sign of love. a runny, gooey, sign of love. i get it all the time >_>), he does dance, and sometimes he vibrates. he can also be extremely obnoxious, but that is why he is a poopsicle.

cosmo likes to hide, too, aside from wearing his coconut like a hat. he has a couple of small cardboard boxes that he plays in and chews, and he loves blankets. this picture here? this was a couple hours ago, when he happened to peek out. he was just rolling and dangling from his cage, and sometimes rubbing his face on the bars for almost an hour. he likes to rub his face on stuff. i use the term "i wanna rub my face on/in it" when i like stuff, but he actually does it. not sure if he does like it, it feels good, or he just likes the sound, but whatever makes him happy. he also has his own personal facebook.
hmm, now what? went over the job, soup is in the crock pot (i left the computer in the middle of typing to do this and a few other things), cosmo....i am waiting on hearing back from my vet. brought one of my cats in because she is peeing on everything. not a good thing when you are renting. hoping it is something that can be fixed, it is a little frustrating. i should continue to pack. i want to try for a box or so a day, but i have hours left for that. i think i may copy all my kids and take a nap. sickness calls for it. the soup has probably another 3 hours or so, and i have until 5:30 to hear from the vet. hoping before then, though, it would be nice for something to be in my favor so i don't have to spend an arm and a leg for keeping her overnight.
anyway, i guess i will leave it at that for now. i will post pictures and results of the soup at some point. thanks for reading! ☺
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