just keep swimming....
just keep swimming....
just keep swimming, swimming, swimming,
what do we do?
we swim...swim....
...or in my case eat breakfast for dinner. when i say eat breakfast for dinner, its more of a mash-up of breakfast and dessert for dinner. why?
glorious, glorious nutella. i had no idea what i was missing out on until last summer when i finally bought a jar and made "s'mores" with my friend. graham crackers, fluff and nutella...super delicious.
then i started baking with it....i made these absolutely delightful molten nutella cakes, which i thought i had taken a picture of? i don't own ramekins so i made them in coffee mugs. super easy, super awesome. then there were those red velvet nutella cinnamon rolls on valentines day....who doesn't like cinnamon rolls, even if they weren't really cinnamon-y....
breakfast just got better. how? liberally apply nutella to pancakes and bacon.
for serious.
.....alright well i had a picture, but my phone must have enjoyed that image just as much as i enjoyed devouring it because IT ATE THE PICTURE. oh, how super.
thanks, phone! :(
maybe i should just think about the nutella some more..... i haven't really made anything else with it so maybe i won't.
still feeling sick-ish. last night i got this horrible itching sensation in my throat, like when you know it's coming, and it forces it's way out, making you hack up a lung, get all teary eyed, and so on until everything hurts? it hasn't really gone away. every few hours or so it comes back, rendering me completely useless, especially at work. i had to step away from a few customers because it was impossible for me to control. frustration! i hope this goes away soon. it hurts a lot, aside from being annoying.
i am a little sad, too. my room mate just moved out yesterday. everything feels so empty here now. i mean, my birds are here, the assholes are rolling around waiting for food, and normally noone would be here this time of night anyway, but it is just slightly off. we will just have to plan a date to the cheesecake factory soon, once everything settles down (moving, etc).
hmm. i need to include some kind of picture to share. haven't had a post yet without one. sharing pictures of things make me feel better and give me happy things to think about. i don't usually care much to share feelings and thoughts otherwise, even if people beg me to, so don't expect anything, i do this on my own terms. sometimes you read things, or hear things that can stir up some conflicts whether you want them to or not. had some somewhat mixed feelings a little earlier, started to feel like no matter what i do, or how nice i am, people always take what they want while i suffer in silence. i can't say anything to anyone, i never want to be the bad guy. i keep everything inside, and never let it out if i can help it. most likely, this will be the death of me, but meh. nobody will ever have to deal with my problems. all i ask for is kindness, food, and hugs. that is my tiny vent for the day. the good news is, i drowned it out with nutella and bacon. ☺
did i ever mention my cats are assholes?
well, two of them are, anyway. thieves, annoyances, silicone-oven-mitt/spatula/plastic-bag/rubber-band eaters....but let's not get into that right now. how about fridge kitty?
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at the vet on monday (#catloaf) |
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stealing my side of the bed (#newwife) |
i needed a real name for her vet visit, so she is officially keiko, from my room mate's fiancee. i am almost thinking i should bring her to the vet every few months or so just to make her happy.
aside from her loving the trip to the vet, everyone there loved her, and her story. she is about 7 years old, we got her from a lady my husband met while he worked at dunkin donuts. yes, good ol' dunkin. it gets better. she is a drive thru kitty. you read that right. what does that mean, if there are still some confused? she was litterally passed through the drive thru window at dunkin donuts in her little carrier. i'm sure the lady got a coffee or latte or something, it was almost like an exchange. she lived under the bed for a few weeks, until we finally chased her into the kitchen, where she became known as fridge kitty, since she would not leave it's side. mostly because of the other two assholes harassing her, but i don't blame her. now that we are in this bigger place (for a little longer anyway), she has become more outgoing, even though she still doesn't like them at all. the trip to the vet must have jogged something in her, because she has been more people friendly lately too (hence the picture where she stole my bed. i had to wedge myself into the blankets and slept on the edge for an hour because she didn't move). she also is always staring at me from across the room when i wake up. usually in cat-loaf mode, staring intently with those bright, green eyes....waiting....
i am getting tired. it is tough to sleep when you have a cold, or whatever this is that is plaguing me. i have to put the birds to bed, take care of the cats, and then maybe take care of myself. oh, that chicken noodle soup that i made? turned out awesome. soup makes me happy when it's cold out like this. i have no pictures of anything to share with you all. i am slacking. i have some time before work tomorrow, maybe i will share some more food then. oh! i forgot, i did make something else with nutella! brownies!! om nom nom. delicioso! i used the last of this cream cheese icing i had leftover from those cinnamon rolls....not sure if it was a good idea or not, it tastes awesome still, but i can't remember if i used regular sugar or powdered sugar and it started to crystalize from being refrigerated. i don't know. they're for my own personal consumption, so whatever. the nutella makes up for it. #happiness
speaking of happiness, look at how snuggly he is?! i love my son. i feel so bad for him because he is molting, so he is covered in quills. i try to pet him and he gets upset because they're so sensitive. that, and i have zapped him on accident a lot lately. static is not fun. i try to remember to ground myself on his house or stand before i touch him, he expects it to happen so he will close his eyes and back off slightly to prepare for a shock when i come over. of course, this picture he was just taking a nap. he usually will be on a perch, or he kind of leans against the wall in his corner, but he fell asleep sitting up, so i had to sneak over to take this without disturbing him. he totally ate bacon with me earlier (minus the nutella...not that it's much better for him, but it's something) and was as happy as could be. he spins when he is happy or excited. ♥♥♥
alright. well, they are all falling asleep, and so am i. my work is never done. maybe i will have some new stuff to share tomorrow. thanks for reading!
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