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valentines gifts from the husband ☺ |
holy stress balls, batman. i feel like i could use all the chocolate and sleep i can get. yet, here i am, dicking around on the internet until all hours of the night. i told myself i would go to bed early. tried to. failing so far.
change is kind of scary. i'm not sure why, it doesn't always bother me. jobs though....i feel like i am doing something wrong, even though i will be (slightly) better off.
recently i was hired at a new place at carousel mall, and decided it would be a good time to leave one of my other jobs since a: minimum wage went up, and now i am making minimum wage after 5 years, and b: i need more money, more hours, and between two jobs, i am not making enough to make ends meet. booooo to all sorts of levels.
at the same time, other opportunities in my current first job have (possibly) come up, so i got really nervous/overwhelmed/etc, almost gave up on everything. lucky for a couple close friends, i had a long talk a couple nights ago, and after putting in a couple more hours at the new place, i am feeling a little bit better (although i am still terrified of being mauled to death by possibly hundreds of children coming into this new place. kids and i do not mix).
that is the short story. with a heavy heart, i left a little note tonight at my second job, to inform of my two weeks. its happened a couple times before, although i found reasons to stay (got offered a little raise, still more comfortable with the same things, etc). i love everyone there, they are like a second or third family to me. i get very attached to people i work with and adopt them as my own. i just hope they can understand my situation, since i could not get more hours there.
aside from the stress, i just haven't been going to bed until like 1am, which is record breaking for me going on as long as i have. my bedtime is around 10pm. why am i up so late? internet? cleaning? resogun? (that is a super fun and addicting ps4 download....aah it's so cracked out and colorful....and AWESOME). yes to all of those. oh, a couple nights ago i was baking all of those cheesecakes and cupcakes, too. (i have more plans tomorrow!)
i was also painting. had a request from a friend for a breaking bad/game of thrones mashup that has been floating about the web, so here it is! not bad, if i say so myself. it's been a long time since i have actually sat down and painted, like canvas and all. as far as i know it went over pretty well with the recipient. ☺
i feel like it has been forever since i have worked so much, and been all over the place. everything seems to give me a mini heart attack, and i may or may not have a meltdown at some point. or just go into a sleep coma. i like sleep. i should be doing that now, but here i am, entertaining the masses! oh, i don't recall if i mentioned it or not, but i adjusted the comments so you can comment "anonymously," so you don't need to log in with any emails or anything...just comment away! i like when people share love! now you can! with no emails! ♥♥♥
aside from all this good stuff clouding my every thought, i would like to plan another get together, probably the end of march or so. i suppose i will post an invite on facebook, since it seems not too many people are reading here. (i'm gonna keep posting anyway. who cares. at least i can vent to the vastness of the internet.) i think my theme will be "spring cleaning," aka: healthy food party to "clean" up all the crap you ate during the holidays! i am so witty and clever. i need a good get together for some happy feelings.
most likely it will be at a new apartment as well. we go monday to look at another one (in the same complex, so i would be moving another 15 feet to the left or so). that being said, packing and moving party at my place! if anyone wants to help, once it is official, i will let you know. with the job switch, the husband working overnights, and whatever else is going on, i will need whatever help i can get to make this as painless as possible. also, less time in the cold, since it is still february.
speaking of february, i wish it would stop snowing. yes, i live in upstate new york and i should be used to it, but the way i see it: who cares. its still annoying no matter how many winters, blizzards, or flurries i have to drive through. you can't tell me you wouldn't complain if you got stuck somewhere, because everyone who spins out into a snow bank says,"wow! this is so super spectacular! i love being completely immobilized by the weather! i should know by now how to properly operate a vehicle in inclement weather, but it's just so gosh darned fun to go crazy and wreck everything! also, i didn't want to go to work anyway!" (okay, maybe that last part is more logical, but come on now.)
on that note, it is much later than i wanted to try to go to sleep. i have to work again (of course) and have a few plans outside of work, which i will probably post about tomorrow when i am done! thanks for reading again! ☺
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