oh, its another day in paradise in good ol' upstate new york.
you know, the kind where you are sitting at home, doing some activities (i happened to be painting, and contemplating folding laundry. only the greatest activity ever.....or not), listening to people getting stuck outside in the snow....a total blasty blast. i even got called out of work! just what i've always wanted! not...
one guy was actually stuck out front of my apartment. i watched for a few minutes as he tried to spin his way out of this snow bank (yes, i was that guy, but wait). going nowhere fast, i decided that, since i now had the night off, i would do my good deed for the day and help out. that, and i needed to get away from the paint and computer for a little bit, outside seemed like a good idea.
we tried to dig some of the snow out of the wheel wells, i jumped into the snow bank to push, and attempted to back out again. the car started to move, but no luck. another neighbor from two apartments down pulled up and offered help. he had a shovel, which was probably a better idea than me digging snow with my hands like a dumb ass, and i got into the car while the owner of the car pushed. after a couple minutes, lo and behold....freedom! yay! we went on our ways, the poor guy was trying to turn into our little apartment circle, he wasn't even leaving, rather coming home, but i was glad to help anyway. now if only i could get over this fear of a new job and change thing...
now where was i? ah, yes, cheesecake!

red velvet cake cheesecake. that's why. yes, it is my own rendition of the classic from the cheesecake factory.
the first time i had ever heard about this cheesecake was from them, and after trying it, i had to make it myself. i studied images, the description, scoured the internets.....there were a few knock off recipes, but for some reason, none of them really made sense, and seemed like waaayy too much effort. not that this cheesecake doesn't require a little effort, because it does. i mean, its cake, its cheesecake, its whipped icing. cheesecakes take a long time to bake and set. even mini ones like these.
eventually, after raiding all of my cook books, my allrecipes recipe box, and more of the internet, i came up with my own special red velvet cake cheesecake. it's rich. dense. moist. creamy. delicious. maybe i will share the recipes one day.
is your mouth watering yet? don't you just want to rub it all over your face? well you totally should. it's that good.

layers of dark chocolate red velvet cake (made healthier with that greek yogurt i snuck in there again), white chocolate cheesecake (with neufchatel cheese....see? i am trying to be good!), and whipped cream cream cheese frosting layered all up in there, then covered in more. tell me you don't want this. even with me telling my secrets of trying to eat better.
nobody even notices the difference when i don't tell them! they just say, this is so bad for you! while i am thinking: well, yes, but not as bad as you think! plus, dark chocolate, antioxidants? ha! take that!! okay, maybe i am getting a little crazy about this stuff. i just want you all to know, i am thinking of your well being, while making something that is so gosh darn delicious you will be licking your plate clean!
i never think to make enough extra for me to eat, either. i only did half recipes of what was normally called for, and had just enough to make two of these stinking cute cheesecakes. well, i have extra red velvet cake, but the cheesecake to go with it? meh, i got to lick a knife. oh well. just need an excuse to make a full sized one! ♥
PRECIOUS! and absolutely perfect for valentines tomorrow. plus, anything that is mini automatically wins in my book by default, unless its pancakes. pancakes as big as your face. excuse me while i go clean up the drool.

layers of dark chocolate red velvet cake (made healthier with that greek yogurt i snuck in there again), white chocolate cheesecake (with neufchatel cheese....see? i am trying to be good!), and whipped cream cream cheese frosting layered all up in there, then covered in more. tell me you don't want this. even with me telling my secrets of trying to eat better.
nobody even notices the difference when i don't tell them! they just say, this is so bad for you! while i am thinking: well, yes, but not as bad as you think! plus, dark chocolate, antioxidants? ha! take that!! okay, maybe i am getting a little crazy about this stuff. i just want you all to know, i am thinking of your well being, while making something that is so gosh darn delicious you will be licking your plate clean!
i never think to make enough extra for me to eat, either. i only did half recipes of what was normally called for, and had just enough to make two of these stinking cute cheesecakes. well, i have extra red velvet cake, but the cheesecake to go with it? meh, i got to lick a knife. oh well. just need an excuse to make a full sized one! ♥
PRECIOUS! and absolutely perfect for valentines tomorrow. plus, anything that is mini automatically wins in my book by default, unless its pancakes. pancakes as big as your face. excuse me while i go clean up the drool.
anyways, i wanted to do something different than usual, for some reason thought butterflies would be cute and fit into the whole lovey lovey theme, so i melted some chocolate in a ziplock bag, piped it out on parchment, (along with those little hearts on the chocolate cupcakes), attached the pieces together, and ta-daaa! chocolate butterfly! i am so crafty!
now that i am not working tonight, i will hopefully finish this painting, and maybe have time for some other treats i was planning. i just need to get motivated, which seems impossible today! i keep looking at it thinking, i can do this! i'm almost done! but i can do this later....i keep stopping, starting, working for like 15-20 minutes....stopping again....oh my goodness it is snowing a lot again. maybe its a good thing i didn't have to drive down that hill. but no money.....!
alright. now that i have shared these delightful little cheesecakes, i should do more work. maybe fold that laundry, who knows. urgh! send me some motivation!!!
thanks for reading! ☺☻☺☻
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