....yeah, i dont know either. but here are some cakes i made this week!
neat, huh? these were for our friend gabby's kids, i painted woody on the one cake, and made another style pokeball! i was a little worried on how woody was gonna turn out, but he worked pretty well.
that's been about it cake-wise over the last month or so. work has been pretty crazy busy with assembling the store and finally opening three days before christmas. oh my goodness. it is totally worth it though.
it took us four days to get everything checked in, sorted, and displayed. i rang out our first sale ever, and here we are! we even had this group, gathering of the sabers, come in on that friday to hang out and promote us!
yes, i totally got to hold a $700 light saber. it was purple. it was fucking glorious. we are having our "opening ceremony" on friday january 13th, where they will be giving out prizes and stuff. its almost like we get two grand openings! needless to say, i basically get paid to hang around and play with stuff all day.
the longer drive to work makes it a little tougher to have any time, but now that the holidays are over, hopefully things will tone down a bit and i can sort things out. i am still at the restaurant two nights a week, and i just signed up for a gym membership so i can go running while its nasty cold outside (it was 9 degrees this morning. NINE DEGREES.)....that is at least after i recover from my second bout of the plague. i got sick again a few days ago, i even went home early. twice. three times if you count that i worked twice on thursday and left both places early. that is a rare occurrence.
this was last week, random light saber fights just break out sometimes, you know? ☺
it makes me so happy that my regulars from fayetteville have found their way out here and have braved the mall to come see me. i mean, not all of them, of course, but a few. it's pretty great. maybe i will have new regulars here, but who knows. it's so busy compared to my other store, and i actually have employees to tell what to do because of that. it's really weird. at least i have good employees.
i made these salted almond fudge truffles for christmas, and they were some of the tastiest things i've ever made. ron said they reminded him of a 3 musketeers bar. i got the recipe from heather, actually, and made them mostly for her. she found them here, at will cook for smiles though. they're fairly easy, although i think doubling the recipe made them come out a little softer than they should have (i dont think i had enough chocolate in them, but oh well), but they still were workable enough. i will probably revisit this recipe in the future. nubs, is just because nubs in a stocking. hes such a little poop.

well, that's all i got for now. i am going to sit for the next hour until i have to get ready for work. sick doesnt go away overnight. clearly. -_-
have a great weekend, all! thanks for reading!
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