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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Late October Update

once again, almost the entire month has passed since i have posted. i seriously cannot wrap my head around where all my time and effort is going. no idea at all. at any rate, i had a couple of cakes over the weekend, and even made some birthday cupcakes for work (cuz we had two birthdays in october)! on work note, i think between yesterday and this morning, it is the most time i have spent at home in i dont know how long, but its not a bad thing. it's just always something, it seems. ugh!

well enough about that. i can complain about it all day long and it won't really do anything. so here are some pictures of my latest creations! oh! i almost forgot, maybe i'll throw some pictures in from virginia beach- we went down for our anniversary and got caught up in the storm that swept the east coast (hurricane matthew)! it was pretty interesting.

i had quite a bit going on for october. i also "taught" a painting class, one of those paint and wine sessions right after we got back from virginia beach, had some football themed cupcakes right before i left.....things are getting crazy!

these guys were a last minute request. i try to accomodate what i can, but having two jobs and doing this on the side can get stressful. i had someone else ask for a cake that weekend, too, but i had to turn them away. i had to deliver these early since i was leaving that thursday. i worked a couple doubles on top of that, and had to worry about packing and such.

PLEASE. i have it on my facebook page, and i will say it here: GET YOUR REQUESTS IN TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. again, i do this outside of work around two jobs, and ask for a bare minimum kind of payment (usually my supply cost and a little extra). i should start asking for extra for each day beyond the two weeks.....i put a lot of effort into my work and sometimes feel i am underappreciated.

moving on....once we got back from virginia, i had to crack down and get in cake mode for two more looming on the horizon, one being this wedding cake i made for my cousin dave and his now wife, elyse. because fall and halloween? yep. my fridge was jammed full of cake. i had nine layers for this one, and four more for the next one.

i had to bring this one in three pieces to the location (beardslee castle near herkimer). there were several dowels holding it together, as it is tilted. first ever tilted cake, by the way. i actually piped the roses out and refrigerated them the night before, so i was able to attach them when i got there. i also (as you can see) added the spider webs upon arrival as well.

i was up pretty late on thursday working on everything. i made their "cake topper" since they couldn't get one, and got a little frame to put it in once we were done with it.

i think this is one of my favorite cakes i have made so far. it's always the ones i spend lots of time on, i noticed after thinking about it. i put about 10-12 hours into this one.

sigh. well, for now i guess i will just post the cupcakes and the wedding cake. it is now time for me to get ready for work, because what day isn't complete without it? hmm. oh well. that just means i have to post again soon to show you the other stuff. if you follow my instagram (birdladyleesh), you can see more stuff there, as i update it pretty frequently now that im getting into it. pictures make me happy. well, enjoy these, and have a good week! thanks for reading!

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