i hope it doesn't go away, anytime soon. i have so many things coming up, and/or things i want to make, including these spiffy galaxy themed macarons. *gasp*
since my last blog.....it was my birthday! i am old! it was a pretty good day/weekend, despite working saturday morning. i went out with my "wife" (aka heather) to cheesecake factory for national cheesecake day, and let me tell you . that chocolate hazelnut cheesecake they came out with this year- worth it's weight in gold. holy crap. it is one that i need to experiment with and make at home.
yes, look at that in all of it's chocolatey, hazelnutty glory. chocolate hazelnut swirled cheesecake, with a ferrero rocher layer (or something similar), a graham cake-like crust, a layer of whipped chocolate hazelnut topping, and topped with nutella. chocolate overload. i couldn't even finish it, and i didn't even get a whole meal, because i wanted cheesecake.
this is going to be an experiment for the holidays, because it is acceptable for everyone to be a fat kid during that time of the year. or, depending on the stress level, comfort food.
after we left there, we wandered the mall some more, and went home to get ready for the harry potter midnight sale! kristen and i had made our own wands a few days before, and she put together a costume since they let her dress up at work. i made my own makeshift costume based on the internet's theories/pictures and turned up as some punk ass gryffindor. we deemed ourselves the first ever cross-house couple at hogwarts.
eh? eh? not too bad, haha. it rained a whole bunch, but it was all in good fun to see everyone else come out dressed up and stuff. i started re-reading the series, too (i may have mentioned that). i did not realize that harry potter and i have the same birthday! neat! except i am old.
speaking of birthdays again, i didn't have to make my own cake this year! as a matter of fact, i got two cakes!
one from work, proclaiming they didn't re-key the store (funny all on it's own, i guess i ranted about last year's disaster enough).....
....and one made by the best husband ever (finally)!! because LEGEND OF ZELDA FOR THE WIN.
in all of it's 8-bit, pixelated frosting glory! this made me so happy. for one, i've been hinting for a while now that he should make me a cake because we took the same classes in college so i know he could do it. secondly, because of my sick obsession with the series, up to and including buying games for systems i don't have, or having multiple copies of the same game (i have 3 verisions of the original nes zelda).
after having a little picnic at green lakes, i am a fat ass and insisted we go to melting pot to get some fondue! i can be fat on my birthday, too. we had some cheese, some chocolate, and i got chocolate covered strawberries at the end. it was a pretty good weekend. then, of course, i had to go back to work the next day. boooooooooo.
i say that i should invest more time in mini vacations, but then bad things happen when i am not at work, or at least it ends up a cleaning job for a shift. i suppose, though, i wouldn't have anything do do though, if i never went away.
last week (i think) we brought cosmo out for a car ride. i wasn't sure how he would react to everything, since he is more active than satch (satch had the equivalent of a stroke in 2006, so he does not move as quickly as most birds, and cannot grip well or fly). it didn't go too badly, though. he quite literally screamed as i walked him from the door to the car, and not bird scream, either. he actually screams like he's on a roller coaster or something.
just picture that for a minute. some crazy, rainbow haired lady with her goofy ass green bird wrapped in a towel, his head poking out shouting, "AAAAHH!!" and occasionally barking at the trees and cars.
i am not sure if that qualifies me as crazy, sad, awesome, or some mix of those terms. i don't really care though.
he sat on my seat and vibrated most of the drive, staring at other people in cars, the scenery, anything that moved pretty much. covered my back seat in poop (the towel on the chair failed, but it came off mostly easy). i didn't bring him in anywhere, like with satch and his ice cream adventure. i am not sure he would enjoy that many people.
on another note, i made another cake for one of my co-workers at delphias. this one was filled with strawberries and whipped cream. i may have another one for her friend in september. i am hoping so, because it is for a wedding, and whatever i get from that will go towards new tires for my car. my cousin is getting married in october, which will also go toward said tires. also in october, i am going to "teach" one of those wine and paint classes! i was offered some money to come in and teach for an evening, and that will also go for tires. cars are expensive. anyway, it is kind of exciting. i was thinking of seeing how this goes, and possibly do my own class another time after that, if i can get enough people to get on board with it.
alright, let's get on to some baking and cooking, shall we? i have made preparations for tomato pie again. by "made preparations," i mean that i roasted some roma tomatoes and garlic for some of the best tomato pie sauce ever. it is definitely an upstate new york thing (like halfmoon cookies), and if i ever leave, i will take this recipe with me. thank goodness for the internet.

i baked a handful of blueberry things, too. i love blueberries. especially in things. like muffins.
i made two dozen muffins a week or so ago, and a few days ago i made my first ever blueberry pies. i got the recipe from one of my taste of home books, it had lemon zest in the crust and in the filling. it smelled pretty good, and they actually came out looking pretty nice (compared to most fruit pies i attempt).
speaking of pie, i still need to make my coconut cream pie.
i made minis! they were 7" pies. i've said it before, but mini everything is better by default. that, and ron won't eat a whole pie by himself, so i brought the other to a friend that comes in to my work.
anyhow, i hope things kind of get sorted out soon. i have been feeling like everything is overwhelming me, between work and home. i am not entirely sure why. i don't think i have been doing more than usual, but it feels like it. it is confusing and frustrating. maybe it's because i work nights all the time, who knows. today was a nice change to come home at 5, and have the night to hang around.
i have another countdown, too though! in 45 days, ron and i are going to virginia beach for our anniversary for almost a week. i know it's like i just got back, but i am ready to get out of here again, because it won't happen again for a while.
i am ready for change, is more like it.
i can do without all the bullshit. what the hell. (because as i am typing, why do things keep happening?)
anyway, i will try to post again soon. thanks for reading.
I know you get bummed and unmotivated but just remember that you are awesome. You have so much talent in everything that you do. Keep your chin up, everything always works its self out and things always get better. I love you so much. I am so lucky to have you as my wife. Xoxo