just gonna start out by saying that and get it out of the way. i mean, i started counting like 100 days ago or something. now, it is to the point where in the next couple weeks i will: A- feel like time is dragging me through a field of hot coals, glass shards, lemons, and salt extremely slow (aka: torturously slow), and B- feel like there is suddenly so much left to do with not enough time to finish it. aahh to have vacation now would be a treat, but i have other treats to share, and 58 more days to make more treats. and....do my best to prepare. ☺
let's start here, shall we? by the way, if you can't already tell, this is exactly what it looks like. bacon, chocolate chips.....and some kind of batter. this is no ordinary bacon, though, it is candied bacon (with brown sugar).
candied bacon chocolate chip cookies. yes, please!
if you like sweet and salty, these are super awesome. i mean, salted caramel is in a world all its own, but bacon and chocolate are like magic, whether you want to believe it or not. believe it OR ELSE. these cookies are made with a little more brown sugar and melted butter to give them a nice chewy, but crisp texture. get the recipe here, from tablespoon. i have a recipe from my culinary class that involves chocolate chip cookies and potato chips, which are equally as tasty. maybe i will make those another day.
the day i made these cookies (last tuesday? idk. it was a day off), i went on a cooking/baking spree and went crazy making all sorts of things. cue the slideshow.....
i haven't made this in a while, but with summer on the horizon, i figured it was time to bring it a little closer with some pasta salad. the only kind of salad i will eat cuz there are no real greens or things in it. i bought a couple bags of wacky mac (a veggie based macaroni) because the last time i bought some, rufio ate the fucking bag of dry pasta (stupid asshole is probably stealing everyone's shit in the afterlife, too). so one bag went to the pasta salad, (with pepperoni, sharp cheese, carrots, and bruschetta, with roasted red pepper dressing), and the other went to a southwestern goulash.
i got that from my healthy cooking taste of home book, i did not take a picture, but that came out pretty good, too. it had corn, green chiles, tomatoes, ground beef, onion.....more pasta. a little more tomato sauce next time would make it better, but i also didn't plan on using the whole bag of pasta (it only called for like half, and i thought, "well, this will be fine!!" and added extra other stuff, but with not enough of other things). experimental! yay!
my snapchat story was so full of food pictures for the day.
anyway, what was next?
ah, yes! blender salsa! i have posted the recipe for this in the past, but tomatoes and small quantities of vegetables are inexpensive, to make a blender of salsa, it cost me maybe 2.50, which is probably about 3 of those tostitos salsa jars full of salsa that are like $5 each or some crap. plus, this is way better, no preservatives or extra crap. look at me be healthy!! i didn't have any mason jars since i also made ron a bunch of salads that morning, too. mason jar salads to bring to work, because pinterest! and he also needs to get healthier, or something. he is doing a biggest loser challenge at work, although it seems noone is playing along anymore, but if they do, he is gonna win dat prize money. if anyone remembers. in the meantime, it's gym time and good food time.
we already talked about these, but here are some pictures of them, completed.also, that is an r2d2 bowl that i acquired from work (it was a set with c3p0 to match, because my co-workers are the best).
and THEN.....i had some leftover bacon, so i chopped that up and made maple bacon cheddar muffins! because bacon is good on/in pretty much anything, so shut up. muffins can be savory, too. so says my magnificent muffins recipe book. there are some pretty awesome recipes in there, too. basic, savory, rich and indulgent....because muffins. these are like eating a breakfast flavored muffin, meaning pancakes, bacon, cheese and syrup. just imagine that for a minute. take your time, just clean up your keyboard and monitor from the drool after.
now to take the food away, (for those of you reading, if you tallied it up, i made goulash, pasta salad, mason jar salads, salsa, cookies and muffins all in a few hours in one day), since it has been nicer, we have been walking a whole bunch, too. green lakes won't be free for much longer, so it's best to take advantage of it while i can. we have been walking around town, too, since most times we don't have the chance to walk during the day. it is nice to get out and do things, and better than sitting around doing nothing (even if there is a time and place for that- sometimes you just need to chill).
i don't remember if i mentioned this in a previous post, but when i got my car inspected at the end of april, i ended up walking/jogging home from work (basically- right behind my work is where i went for my inspection). it is only 4 1/2 miles, so i figured it would be a good day to try it! i walked a mile, then started my app and made it home in just under an hour! later that day, ron heather and i walked green lakes, so for me, i had walked like 10 miles in the day.
which brings me to this- this was just last night! i have been running with this c25k app, and last night i went on my final (30 min) run, except i actually ran 35 minutes, and walked a few extra minutes at the end, but i think i exceeded the 5k (3 mi?) distance by a little! i am pretty proud of that, coming from someone who doesn't know how to sport. i even had some 9 minute-ish miles in there! ☺
in 58 days imma be doing that at the beach! if the car ride doesn't kill me first.
aside from that, i have just been stuck at work. work work work. who needs it?
actually, i would probably go crazy with nothing to do so i take that back.....to an extent.
my poor pretty girl has not been feeling well the last few days, either. she keeps laying eggs, and now has one that is stuck again. this happened about two years ago. i have her in a little fortress with a heat lamp and a vaporizer. i am hoping everything will be okay.
ohhh she is so good. i brought her in the bathroom for almost two days (before i bought the vaporizer) to keep her warm and stuff, the last time this happened the vet recommended the humidity to help her pass the egg, hence the shower. she has lost some weight, but seems to be eating and drinking, so it is all about keeping an eye on her at this point. i hope my poor girl gets better soon.

have a good weekend, all! thanks for reading! ☺
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