SO. that being said, happy late new year, and welcome back! i look forward to another year of (attempting) to entertain you! ☺
since mid december, work has been pretty busy. we did manage to take the time one sunday night to have a work party game night and went to dave and busters for food and, well, games! it was nice to unwind for a bit, and get away from all of the grumpy people. i played a lot of skee ball and fruit ninja.
i made these dark chocolate peppermint cupcakes, but they never made it to dnb's, so i ate them. because why not? (lunch dessert for a week!)
that was only the beginning of baking though. i put in a lot of hours over the last few weeks, between baking, working, and trying to keep up on everything. for now, i bring you fudge! the recipe was for an amaretto fudge (via pinterest/crazy for crust), but i didn't have amaretto liqueur, so i substituted some almond extract, and added baileys and kahlua, thus inventing mudslide fudge! something i will not complain about, because mudslides are my favorite.
here were a couple shots from game night! this is why we work where we work. games are good. not that i can say i am very good at games, but who cares.
anyway, so fudge!
ohh yeah. check out that fudge. you like that? well you should. it is every bit as delightful as it looks, almonds or not. (i made some with and without for those offended by them.)
the recipe is really quite easy, as it consists of sweetened condensed milk, chocolate chips, and whatever extract or flavoring of your choosing. just heat the chocolate carefully, and stir constantly! check out the link above for the details! (and prettier pictures than mine. i need a house with windows, not a crappy tiny cave-i mean, apartment.)
heather came out one day and we went on an adventure downtown to funk and waffles. it is quite literally a waffle diner in the deep spooky alleys of syracuse. i guess they do shows, bands or whatever will come and play, and everyone gets to chill and eat waffles and drink tea. i love tea AND waffles so this was pretty sweet. they had lots of toppings and types of waffles, i might try the brownie sundae if we go again! it is quite literally a chocolate waffle with chocolate syrup, ice cream, and whipped cream. oh my god, i am such a fat kid for breakfast. i need to run just thinking about it.
aside from the fudge, i also made chocolate chip cookies, half moons, peppermint macarons, and chocolate italian butter cookies with dulce de leche filling. i didn't take pictures of the half moons or chocolate chip, because everyone should know what those are, and i am pretty sure i've posted pictures before. (if you don't know what half moons are, check out older blogs, i know they are here somewhere. aka black and white cookies, they are my favorite cookies of all time evar.)
as for the other two, i did not get to do super glam shots of them, but got a couple pictures.
as for a recipe, i kind of improvised on both of them, or at least the chocolate italian butter cookies. i could only find vanilla, and they are supposed to be just one cookie, dipped in chocolate or something. BUT...i took it a little farther and sammiched them with some salted dulce de leche i left in my slow cooker for 13 hours. awww yeaaaaahhh.
i can't say they were the same as the ones in virgina beach, but they were good in their own way. more caramel next time. it almost needed to be like a frosting, i think, so i could put more in there. the dulce de leche kind of squeezed out of the sides.
also, i made everything mini, as you can see. these guys were all about half dollar sized. the macarons were almost as tall as they were round!
and then there's this asshole. he was being a noisy little grump, even after i put him to bed one night, so i put him in time out. usually, it's the time out window, but it has been a little cold and drafty, so i put him in the bathroom sink and closed the door. he pretty much just sits there and stares, waiting for someone to pick him up, just like he's doing here. ohh god, i just wanna squeeze his dumb face. he is currently sitting under his blanket singing, "satchamo joe from kokomo," and asking if you "got it? there, okay?" (what i say to satch when putting him to bed or when picking him up- he can't grip well) and telling someone he's sorry. no ass kissing tonight, apparently.
in other news, i stayed at work til like 9 on christmas eve because the company doesn't know how they wanna do things anymore, i worked a whole bunch new years eve and day, ate a ton of food, FINALLY got to see star wars with kyle in oneonta, lost my totoro hat (but was bad and bought a new one), and the pretend dm told me i can't have my piercings. not even my industrial. i have to buy retainers for them, and i guess i only get to be sparkly on special occasions, because my dm is the dark spider-man. way to ruin work for me more, guy. i don't do it for attention. i don't do it for anyone else but myself- it is a part of me and a part of who i am, but i guess i can't express myself anymore. there is someone else out there getting away with this in the same company, but not me, apparently. i guess my luck ran out. maybe i'm out to get fired next. who knows, but right now everyone is a scumbag, and a few other things i am not going to type on here.
ugh! #endrant #piercinghate #justletmebeme
anyway, i went for a run tonight, and then made some taco mac and cheese (pictures next time), and it helped a little, but it is still frustrating. it's not like i am disgusting and infected, or have overly gaudy things attached all over me. i have seen some pretty terrible bad ideas on other people. i work hard, but for someone to tell me to change anyway.
stop back for some epic mac and cheese glory! thanks for reading, here's to hoping 2016 works out better!
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