Can you believe the year is about half over already?!? Where the hell did it go? Seriously, im glad its not snowing anymore and all, but it feels like it just quit yesterday or something.
Had a couple days off for the weekend, a friend of mine had invited me to her bachelorette slumber party, where we pretty much ate lasagna, chips, and brownies, and drank a rainbow of juice mixers. Like, they bought those naked juices (but a different brand), added ice and rum, and it was pretty great. Then, most of them did makeup and nails, and we played cards against humanity. It was my first time ever playing, and let me tell you, i will probably go to hell for laughing at some of the outcomes. We got up and had bagels in the morning, and we were off.
Before all that though, ron had saturday off too, so we went to the bank and got breakfast at a place in cazenovia, and even hit up a little farmers market. I got some raw honey, which i cant wait to make tea with, and some brownies that we were gonna have with dinner, but we forgot about them. Kind of.
After we got back, i only had a little time before i had to make my 2 hour drive to maria's, so we worked on some pallet wine racks for this weekend coming up. I used the sander. My hand went numb. But its okay. They got done quick, and we are hoping to do a couple more by the weekend. I might burn something into them, too, before we stain them. Yay things!
After the weekend events, i came home to take care of things like laundry, vacuuming and the birds. We made sliders and watched scream 3 and joe dirt to wind down the end of the night. And now im back to work. What fun is that? At least things were done so i didnt have to slap anyone or threaten to walk out. I cant wait to get home though, cuz i didnt sleep much, got a little scared at one point over some things, and have been non stop, so im still pretty tired. It happens every time i take a day or two off. I have too much to do so i dont sleep or something.
this weekend is our garage sale, so i wont be working mostly. it is also oz fest in chittenango, so i am just working the restaurant. i know that will be busy, with all the oz-holes in town, and it seems the casino is up and open already. it looks like a golden pizza hut. thats all we really needed in town. *sigh* i dont know.
so here i am. hoping to get some stuff done between today and wednesday, and probably friday morning. all day i have not been motivated to do anything. i managed to get some stuff done at work though, i interviewed someone! everyone is leaving and noone wants to do anything, so i called a few people, and one came in within 20 minutes. i have another one tomorrow. it was kind of exciting. i hope we can work on something, though. it is frustrating that any suggestion i make pretty much gets shot down. last i checked, i thought i was supposed to "assist." it's part of my title, after all.
so this is one of the rounds we had from cards against humanity. just wanted to share that with you. another one included "what should the new happy meal toy be?" in which two of the cards were genital piercings and "bees?" which was pretty much the best answer ever. i was in tears imagining a swarm of bees attacking a child. maria and i agreed they should be the invader zim bees, with the big derpy eyes. best. day. ever.
on a totally random note, i may make macarons this week, too. i found a recipe for earl grey macarons with white chocolate orange ganache filling. holy balls, i stopped dead on the page to eyeball them up and down, and to go find the recipe. they are pretty easy, so i am excited. i bought a bag of almond meal specifically to make them from time to time. i will aim for wednesday. in the mean time, i am going to be lazy for the rest of the night, eat pizza, maybe drop off my rent, and maybe read or watch netflix or something. someday i will get back on track with sunday/wednesday. who knows. oh, check out my inner female that escaped at the party, too. mostly cuz i like purple.
happy week, all! thanks for reading!
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