And salsa! I almost forgot that i made food, too. Blender salsa; super easy, super fast, super delicious. This probably cost me less than $2 to make. I also grabbed the wrong tomatoes and didnt have any cumin(chili powder is a liytle bitter if you add too much) but otherwise it was pretty tasty.

You can probably make it to your own liking and adjust the ingredients. I found the recipe from pinterest, via avery cooks (if you google "restaurant style salsa" it should come up. I am using my tablet and can't add links for some reason.) buuut yeah. You get some canned tomatoes, an onion (i used a shallot for a little milder flavor), a jalapeno or two, a couple garlic cloves, and some seasonings. Throw it in a blender or food processor....bam. Salsa. I also made these delightful chicken taquitos in the crockpot to dip into said salsa. Win.

Ron has been working on his dresser the last few days. It was his grandmas, so its like 80 something years old. He stripped the paint, sanded it, and just painted and stained it. There were like 3 layers of old paint and stain on it. Now it looks all shiny and new. He was pretty excited. It came out pretty nice. I like it.

Of course, the only thing ive done is be moral support. I also picked these knobs for the drawers. Oh, i also helped move stuff a little, and rinsed paint out of the brushes :) And made hair bows? #Whatamidoing?

We got it most of it finished on saturday, minus the clear coat which he did today while i was at work. Longest day ever, by the way, but i got free food, so im not complaining. Ron was sick most of the day, so he didnt do much other than the clear coat. Tomorrow is our last day off to see if we can get stuff done. Hopefully he is feeling better after a day of mostly relaxing.

At this point, we have to attach the bottom panel and it is done. Hopefully the pallets wilk get some love tomorrow. They take up a lot of space so the garage is unusable for now. They will make some nice wine racks to hang off of peoples walls.

Yay hair bows! Because video games. I will be selling these during the garage sale, too. I have lots more to make. Whatever i dont sell, i might try something via paypal or etsy or something. Where theres an internet, theres a way. Or something like that. Man, i wish i didnt have to go back to work, and i still have a day left before i go back. That makes me sad. Oh well. I have thegarage sale weekend, rons birthday weekend, i am hoping to plan camping, i have north carolina, and a wedding so far. So weekends off. Yep.
I guess i will leave it at that for now. Hopefully we can get some stuff done and i will have more to share on wednesday. Thanks for reading! 😃
posted from Bloggeroid
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