so, it's a new year, and next month will be one year that i have been writing my blog! it may not be the most well known blog out there, but the few of you who read (at least), it's something. maybe i will refresh it, try some new things, i don't know. this is my personal venting place, when i am not venting to my husband. i don't frequent facebook (again.....i said that a while ago, then went back, but im pretty sure its been a couple weeks. they send me emails saying i have so many notifications). so if you want to know whats going on with my life, come and find me here, along with all of my tasty treats and little crafts i conjure up. it is what makes me me: a little bit of everything.
that, and balls.
i always have balls. mostly edible ones like these buckeye balls. they are so super easy to make, and consist of peanut butter, powdered sugar, and melted butter. oh, and don't forget the chocolate.
i made them on monday night i think? they are one of ron's favorite christmas treats. his dad's girlfriend usually makes them, so when we got to their place and there were none to be found, he was a little disappointed. as soon as we got into the car, he asked if we could make them because he was expecting them! easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.
i was running low on chocolate, and they're not the fanciest buckeyes, but theyre still pretty tasty. i mean, how can you go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter? ever? exactly.
they do look a little nicer than my regular truffles i made this year though. slightly less crippled, but my hand still gets tired. i am glad this was a small batch.
it has been getting so cold the last few days. i know it's december and all, but if this was here all along, it might not be so bad. dictates we had a green christmas, and then two days later, drop into the teens. oh, it burns your nose its so cold. that, and breaks your car.

holy f*ck. i love my car to death, but i am pretty sure every winter i've had her, she sends me some message to go somewhere warm. at least the e-brake issue is not too big of an issue. ron drove out to my work to meet me on tuesday night because i didnt want to drive with the brake dragging like that. we got it loosened up, but it stuck again the following morning.
on the way home that night, though, we were coming into town, almost home. there are lots of lanes here, and they merge off in a couple of places, and people drive really stupid, so there are many near accidents from people trying to merge. as we made this turn, there was nobody in the left lane, just me, the two guys in front of me, and ron behind me. as i straightened my car out, some guy came out of nowhere (from before the turn i guess? i have no idea), speeds up, and forces his way between me and the truck in front of me. the speed limit is only 30, and there should not have been room for another car between us, but i had to hit my already iffy functioning brakes to let him in, no turn signals or anything. he was very close to clipping the front of my car, as well, and i am surprised he didnt.
we head up the hill, the truck that was in front of me turns, this guy now in front of me whips around the truck on the shoulder and speeds off. i turn up my street, and then ron drives around me, and speeds away. i tried calling, no answer. text, no answer. at this point, i am in my garage apologizing for asking for help with my brakes, when he finally answered, and says, "i'll be right there. i chased that guy down and yelled at him."
so, because the guy cut so close to me, my husband followed him home, and basically said, "you cut off my wife back there. you could have caused a serious accident for multiple cars. what the f*ck were you thinking? dont drive like a dumbass." to top it off, the guy had a kid in the car with him, and started to threaten to call the cops, when ron asked, "what are they gonna do? nothing," and then left.
(dont worry, i am getting to the lava cakes soon.)
so yeah. my husband chased down a stranger for cutting me off and yelled at him for me. how cool is that? if that isnt love, then i dont know what is.
i definitely felt a little like, "what were you thinking, he could have pulled a gun and shot you or something" at the time, but it's done and over with, the guy should drive safe, especially with a kid in the car, and my husband that kind of awesome.
that is my story of the week. work is a totally different one, and i still want to burn it down. i mean, i feel like i hate my job sometimes, and have wanted to quit and stuff before, but lately this is like a new level of hatred, where i can't even stand going into this store. but who can be upset when you come home to new years eve dinner and home made nutella lava cakes on new years eve?! eh? not this guy!!
ron was asking me to make these a while ago, too. i said that unless i was to make them in the mugs again, i couldnt unless i had some ramekins. they would make it easier, and less likely to explode on their way out of the mug. SO....he got me ramekins for christmas. ♥☺♥
new years eve, after i worked both jobs, i came home and we had a little chicken broccoli alfredo, and then i made these epic nutella lava cakes. they are so super easy, you just have to be sure to time them right. they are eggs, egg yolks, a little flour, and nutella. the end. beat the eggs really well, add the flour and nutella, grease and flour the ramekins, oven, BAM. make sure they are still a little jiggly when you take them out, kind of like a cheesecake, so that when you cut into them, they are all molten and delicious.
i totally had andes peppermint chocolate ice cream with mine. he had caramel caribou. equally delicious. oh, and lets not forget the chocolate wine. yeaaahhh buddy.
and then we played diablo until midnight. the end. ♥
well, we finished the dungeon we were playing and then went to bed, since we both had to work in the morning. who wants to do that? *not this guy*
anyway, it is now officially 2015. i have high hopes for this year to kick last year's ass. 2014 totally deserves an ass beating for being an asshole. i don't do resolutions, because i always forget about them and am never able to stick to anything. i do know, that i will do whatever i can to make 2015 the best ever for my family, my friends, and more importantly, myself. if i can't be happy, i can't really do my best to make everyone else happy. some time off from time to time is definitely in order, since i pretty much get taken advantage of and work every single weekend. especially sundays. im gonna have a sunday off. ask me how many f*cks i give.
(i'll give you a is a pretty good answer.)
i will not lose anything or anyone, and i will just become stronger.
and then f*ck sh*t up. (because NOBODY messes with DR TRAN. NOBODY.) (if you have never heard of the doctor, watch him now. one of my heroes.)
alright. well, heres to an awesome 2015. thank you for the support last year, and hope you all continue to follow my adventures! thank you for reading! stop back soon! ☺☺☺
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