but like i said last time, fall (and winter) is the time for warm things like soup, tea, and hot cocoa. and in the case of this weekend, hot spiced cider. yum!
oh, and this fancy banana bread that i made, i guess. although i suspect you can have banana bread any time of the year. it's not my cup of tea, but ron likes it so here it is. i even threw the rolled oats on top to make it look all fancy (and healthy....you know, rolled oats are good for you. i still want to make granola sometime.)
this one i got from allrecipes, banana banana bread. super easy. it does need quite a bit of banana, but it is called banana bread, after all. i guess it turned out pretty good.
despite all of the fall weather, i have been watching out for apples at beak and skiff....i am pretty sure, regardless of rain or whatever the weather is like tomorrow, i am going apple picking. i need the golden delicious apples, and northern spy. i miss the golden every year because by this time i have already gone apple picking 2-3 times, so i give up.
this was before baking, i should have probably posted this first, but meh. i do what i want. it looked kind of pretty before hand.
anyway, so yes, more apples tomorrow. i am not sure what i will do with the rest of them. maybe make some more of that apple streusel bread since it was awesome. but i still want to make some of those apple peanut butter cookies. ron wants to try and make apple cider. probably will make more applesauce since it goes so fast.
so let's see. what else have i done the last couple days.....we had our late my/steve's birthday dinner sunday night, then i worked monday, i made this bread and fixed those cheer bows on tuesday, and then went to the mall to walk around and check on our phones and stuff. then worked today. i lead such an exciting life. work will be the death of me though. or maybe cosmo. punk ass is sitting behind me being a bitch.
so those hair bows. i guess they were too small according to the coach, so i had to get the giant 3 inch ribbon. i made the bigger ones and attached the smaller ones to the front.
they are pretty big. like as big as my hand. i hope they are alright this time. i ran out of ribbon and then ended up with too much. maybe i will keep it, but i dont know what else to do with it other than these.
and then this happened after the mall. look at how fancy he made it for me!! aaahh i super love it (and him....which sorry, btw, i had to post your pretty dessert you made me, and that face).
i made more of those brownies for two, and we had some leftover wine ice cream from when steve and amanda came to visit, so we made more sundaes and watched big bang theory. i didn't think that we finished season 6, but apparently we watched a bunch of it. i just finished downloading season 7, so when we are done, we can watch that too. i am in love with amy ferrah fowler. i am pretty sure she is my favorite part of the show (and i say that i love her at least once an episode).
i miss being happy like this all the time, so it is a nice change to do fun things like this, to veg out (or brownie sundae out) and watch tv shows and movies outside of work until im ready to go to sleep. i have a lot to catch up on since work had gotten the better of me for a while.
speaking of work, have i mentioned how torn i am on the situation? seriously. i love working there. i love the people i work with. it is stupid how many things we have to pitch at people......and now we offer cricket wireless service. yes, i work with video games and sell cell phone service. and credit cards. and a number of other things. i am pretty sure i am not allowed behind the counter anymore, unless its to ring someone out. any other tasks can wait, which means the store will get trashed. and we will get written up for not selling any of this stuff. at least thats how it feels. it is not a threat yet....i feel like it may turn into this soon, though, but who knows. i wish they would give up. enough is enough. i thought we sold games, not every electronic known to man. we might as well start taking tv's and toasters and stuff. maybe someone will trade in a nice rotating waffle iron that i can buy cheap.
the holidays are coming up though, i don't care if you don't want to hear it. it's happening. my work will probably get crazy because of that, but i am excited. not for work, but, as i think i mentioned last time, for the colors, the lights, the glitter, and oh my goodness food. i love food. we got these crazy awesome gift cards at work that look like rainbows and unicorns threw up glitter all over. i just want one to look at. everyone is getting their holiday stuff out already and it makes me want to skip everything so i can have all the glitter forever. outside of work, of course. i like pretty things. it really is like a happy switch, that no matter how much i hate work or whatever i'm doing, christmas/etc forces a smile on my face and happy feelings. it's stupid crazy.
this asshole. yes, i am squeezing his head. he loves it, and licks my fingers and palm. i don't know why. it keeps him quiet though. he has been really loud lately. it is probably because noone is ever home and he is an attention whore. i have to cut his nails so i can pick him up sometimes. he clawed the crap out of my shoulder last week. my birds are assholes. most of the time anyway. and mostly just cosmo. my cats are bigger assholes, though. end of story.
anyway, so yeah. i am going to pick apples tomorrow. probably in the rain. it will be cold but i don't care....much. maybe i will bring some tea with me in my super teavanna tumbler. it keeps my tea hot for like 12 hours. it's crazy. so let's leave it at this for now, i will have more for sunday. have a good weekend, and thanks for reading!
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