i suppose that means someone is reading! maybe? a little?
meh, its cool. makes me feel like posting here isn't entirely pointless after all. ☺
anyway, i apologize for the hiatus. the last few weeks have not been entirely easy. a lot of stress, but a lot of changes too. i am doing my best to continue in becoming a better person on so many levels. to those of you who i finally opened up to, thank you for all of your help and understanding. i really do feel like i hit a reset button on life, and i hope things keep getting better.
since i haven't really been on here much, that also means i haven't been baking much.
i am back. and i am sure you know what that means.
juuuust kidding.
come on though. creepers are cool, right? i mean, every little kid at my job comes in screaming for minecraft. not even little kids. people of all ages come in wearing shirts or carrying various things with all sorts of 8 bit innuendos and whatnot.
no exception here. as you can see.....21st birthday.
it was just a vanilla cake with fondant. surprisingly enough, he was not that complicated to make. i just had to cut out a bunch of squares and strategically place them accordingly.
it was kind of exciting to get back into things a little bit. hopefully things will come up for me to get creative some more.
not that it's a cake at all, but i want to start my t-shirt blanket soon. i have a mess of shirts i have collected but don't want to part with, so i am going to make a blanket. it will be cold soon, i love blankets, so how can i go wrong? it will be fun.
can you believe it's september already? i certainly cannot. the summer went by waaaay too fast. i have been avoiding pinterest because everyone and their cousin is posting "pumpkin" and fall everything. i don't really care for pumpkin. i know i know, complete blasphemy considering everyone is obsessed with it. i can only handle it in small quantities. anyway...i didn't even really do anything that exciting, and most of it was somewhat depressing. i have decided that this year for new years, i am dubbing my celebration a "f*ck 2014 party." anyone who wants to join, theres like a 95% chance i am going to ask for it off, since i always work, so i can have a good time, and say goodbye (and f*ck off) to one of the worst years ever. next year needs to cover a lot of grounds to make up. don't get me wrong. there are still a couple of months left to the year, and the majority of the bad stuff was in the last couple months. i want to forget everything.
maybe the next couple of months will make up for it. i mean, these flowers were a good start (courtesy of ron). i am planning an epic midnight sale for a game coming out on monday night, i think it will be fun. (but if people can't get excited i'm going to kill a bunch of strangers. i'll let you know how that goes on wednesday.) our 2 year anniversary is in october, and i THINK we are gonna visit the outer banks. i won't lie. i like going out on black friday. it's the only time of the year i can afford anything. so maybe there's hope. i have to stay positive. ♥
i made some chocolate biscotti recently as well. it was my grandma's 91st birthday on saturday so we went to visit. its not often that we get to visit, but she usually always has something for us, so it's the least i can do. not to mention last time we went, she and my uncle were telling me about the most awful biscotti they ever tasted, so i had to show it up, although by the description, anything could. mission accomplished.

so i made some cupcakes for work, since i have been promising them for way too long. partially for the birthdays, and partially because i had someone cover for me when i went to that concert in july. oh well. it gives me an excuse to experiment, and i can't really say many people complain about my experiments. i've been dying for some cheesecake lately, like not even from cheesecake factory. i am thinking of my own homemade white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. that is the stuff right there. it's like a magical land far, far away. that, and cheddar broccoli soup. total opposite end of the spectrum there, i know. one extreme to the next. that's how i roll.
this? just a paper lantern. after we visited my grandma, we went to my aunt and uncles end of summer barbeque. someone there had bought a bunch of them, so they lit a few and let them fly. it was pretty cool, never having seen them in person before. somewhat calming, almost like letting all of your worries fly away.
anyway, i guess i will leave with that for now. i can only hope things will continue to get better. maybe one day i can send off my own lantern to send my troubles away. in the mean time, thank you for the support, and as always, thanks for reading! come back soon! ♥♥♥
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