for those who are actually reading, thank you!! you are the ones who make it worthwhile! i know there aren't many of you, but thank you anyway, and i hope you will continue to read with me in the future! ♥

anyway....i was up early on friday morning to deliver and set up the cake. as you can see, my car was loaded with boxes, and yes, they are system display boxes from work. they make super awesome cake boxes. the flavors, if i did not mention, were more lemon cupcakes with raspberry icing, and chocolate cupcakes with either vanilla (green) icing, or raspberry (purple) icing. the cake was a lemon cake filled with fresh raspberries and whipped cream. hooray for purple!
so i spent the first few hours of my morning in my car, since i had a long drive from manlius to rome. on the way i had to do my last minute gift buying because i am awesome like that. not to mention, the happy couple is always awesome to me no matter what, so even if it is a little, i wanted to do something special for them. (i also made part of the gift too, which i will post shortly, but first....)
after i was done with my errands, the groom and i headed back to his place to meet the rest of the guys for some early lunch. snacks are always good in my book. after the snacks, it was time to get ready!
yes, it's a bathroom selfie. but come on. i should wear a tie and vest all the time. it totally gets better though. to keep the suspense going a little further though, here was the picture i made for them as a gift.
i kind of stole it from pinterest, but added my own twist. the bride had pinned it to her wedding board months ago. it was a tall white board with just the words and date on it that someone was selling for like $60.
<--- better? and way cooler? i tied a frame to it and put their names on it. crafty, and so full of win. it took me about 2 hours to make the letters nice like they are. aside from this, i gave some chocolate wine and a cheesecake factory gift card.
awesooooome!! ♥♥♥
now let's get on with this, shall we? SUIT UP!
i dare say, best groomsman's gift EVAR? i was vibrating with glee, and started swearing in the church when it was presented to me. i think we all got some gaming related stuff. steam cards, resident evil, nintendo cards, and i think the last one was a couple of books, i didn't catch it exactly, but my guess is greek mythology themed, or something about sparring. i think everyone was real excited though.
but seriously, on another note? i think i make a pretty awesome dude, and, in the words of barney stinson, nothing suits me like a suit. hahaha. *insert more suit one liners here*

spectacular! everything was so fancy, all i could think about all day long was "when in doubt, pinkies out!" in the voice of patrick star. i had a few who agreed with me, so it's all good.
congratulations again to steve and amanda! i am so glad to have been a part of your special day! for you, and for the suit. but mostly for you. the suit was just a bonus.
i had the honor of putting all the boutonnieres on everyone before the ceremony since no one wanted to stab themselves. i am pretty sure i confused and offended a few people by being dressed as a guy, but who cares. it was all in fun.
would i do it again? hell yes! is it going to happen? probably not. as much effort as i put into everything for people, i am always overlooked. maybe that means something else though. i don't know. i was going to say something meaningful, but i think i lost it. maybe you get the idea though.
everything went over pretty well though. despite all the trouble in the weeks before hand. the ceremony was nice, the reception was fun, they liked the cake, everything was all sparkle sparkle, the bar made for some interesting people, but when does it not. i mostly watched, but was forced to struggle with dancing for a bit because i am so bad at it, but it was still entertaining. now, they're off to new orleans for a week of relaxation. i guess that is their version of the outer banks to me. it would be fun to visit sometime to see what it's like. if you guys ever read this at all, thank you again for letting me be a special event in your life. i am glad to have met you, and love you both!! ☺
and then because i never said i was done with pictures.....
(these are my favorites, by the way)
AAHH!! this is a whole new level of bad assery. i had way too much fun. i wonder if there are any guys out there who would go gay for me? or even any girls? i could be your boyfriend. ♥☺
except that i am already married. to the guy that took these pictures (of me, anyway. i took the rest, and thank you! now stop being confused by my epic transgenderness.) i can't wait to see the professional photos from the photographer.
i need an excuse to do this again. i was talking to a friend though, and she told me i would actually be a real bridesmaid, in which case i need a photo side by side of bridesmaid me and groomsman me, and then i would have a poll to see if i make a better dude or chick. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
i have to wait until she actually gets married though, which is nowhere near set in any way shape or form. maybe i will be lucky enough to be a part of that special day soon. ♥
WELL now that i got that out of my system, i hope you all enjoyed my journey. it was absolutely legen-wait for it....i hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of the word is DAIRY! LEGENDARY. awwww yeaaaahhh!
and to think, it was only a few days ago that they were chasing each other around, and now they have each other forever. (happily ever after? fatality? *insert some monster hunter or avengers pun here* (and the fatality is from mortal kombat, if you didn't catch it).
thank you for reading!! come back soon! ♥☺♥
congratulations again to steve and amanda! i am so glad to have been a part of your special day! for you, and for the suit. but mostly for you. the suit was just a bonus.
i had the honor of putting all the boutonnieres on everyone before the ceremony since no one wanted to stab themselves. i am pretty sure i confused and offended a few people by being dressed as a guy, but who cares. it was all in fun.
would i do it again? hell yes! is it going to happen? probably not. as much effort as i put into everything for people, i am always overlooked. maybe that means something else though. i don't know. i was going to say something meaningful, but i think i lost it. maybe you get the idea though.
everything went over pretty well though. despite all the trouble in the weeks before hand. the ceremony was nice, the reception was fun, they liked the cake, everything was all sparkle sparkle, the bar made for some interesting people, but when does it not. i mostly watched, but was forced to struggle with dancing for a bit because i am so bad at it, but it was still entertaining. now, they're off to new orleans for a week of relaxation. i guess that is their version of the outer banks to me. it would be fun to visit sometime to see what it's like. if you guys ever read this at all, thank you again for letting me be a special event in your life. i am glad to have met you, and love you both!! ☺
and then because i never said i was done with pictures.....
(these are my favorites, by the way)
AAHH!! this is a whole new level of bad assery. i had way too much fun. i wonder if there are any guys out there who would go gay for me? or even any girls? i could be your boyfriend. ♥☺
except that i am already married. to the guy that took these pictures (of me, anyway. i took the rest, and thank you! now stop being confused by my epic transgenderness.) i can't wait to see the professional photos from the photographer.
i need an excuse to do this again. i was talking to a friend though, and she told me i would actually be a real bridesmaid, in which case i need a photo side by side of bridesmaid me and groomsman me, and then i would have a poll to see if i make a better dude or chick. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
i have to wait until she actually gets married though, which is nowhere near set in any way shape or form. maybe i will be lucky enough to be a part of that special day soon. ♥
WELL now that i got that out of my system, i hope you all enjoyed my journey. it was absolutely legen-wait for it....i hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of the word is DAIRY! LEGENDARY. awwww yeaaaahhh!
and to think, it was only a few days ago that they were chasing each other around, and now they have each other forever. (happily ever after? fatality? *insert some monster hunter or avengers pun here* (and the fatality is from mortal kombat, if you didn't catch it).
thank you for reading!! come back soon! ♥☺♥
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