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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Purple Spider Cake...Also WTH is Wrong?

Hooray! I am totally using the iPad at work to blog! Worst. Employee. EVAR. but I don't care. It's a slow day.

It was heathers birthday a couple days ago, so I made a tiny cake to share! I wish I had a little more time to add a unicorn or something, but there's always next year for that. It's purple. It's spider themed. I used my edible pearl dust because glitter- that's why. Yep. It came out pretty cute despite the fact that I do not like spiders much.

These ones were made of frosting though, so I can eat them, instead of them eating me. You hear me!? Take that, spiders!

I totally used my go-to cupcake recipe from the Hershey book and it worked out quite nicely. Nice and soft and fluffy. Chocolate? Yes. All over the place.

I have lemons and the beginning of a lemon meringue pie in my fridge, but it will have to wait until the weekend for me to even think about making it. I am in the middle of moving! maybe those of you who participate in moving activities will be awarded with some pie if you are in the right place at the right time.

isn't it cute? ♥
Yes, as of today I am switching apartment to a slightly smaller one. The townhouse was nice and I will miss it, but I can't afford that kind of luxury at this point in my life. Oh well. Maybe someday.

I ended up posting a status on Facebook in attempt to rally some assistance. A lot of good that did. That's why I stopped going on there to begin with. Well, I got three responses anyway. So far two actually came out this morning, which I am eternally grateful for. If you can't help, you don't have to tell me about it. The number of times I have dropped everything to help everyone and I can't ask for anything in return. I got hurt feelings, man. #themfeels

I really should stop being so nice to every single person I come into contact with. It's almost not even worth it. *sigh* I will never change that about myself though, no matter how much I am stepped on in return. I will always suffer in silence. Aside from this post. If one of you happens to come across this and reads it, just know that I am willing to help, I am always smiling on the outside, but inside may be another story.

Blarg! My swiffer duster is so gross, it is just spreading the dust around. No one will buy me more. I don't want to max out my card, but I may buy some. At least I can get reimbursed for them next paycheck. But now I am bored again. It's been a slow day so far. I will be opening tomorrow, too so I get to come right back. Sleep-move-work-move-sleep?-work-move-sleep-move. I like to think sleep will happen in there sometime. I really need it. I feel like I could fall asleep standing up. It's almost time to go home, even though that means I will have to be awake longer.


well, now i am back home again. too tired for words, and i no longer have the ipad to correct my capital letters and whatnot, but who's paying attention, anyway? got quite a few boxes moved, but still have quite a bit more. lots of big things. how fun is that?

look at this dumb face. i put him on my futon frame and he was (of course) rubbing and tapping his face on the bars. he was having a field day, so i left him there for a while, until we had the doors open often, and he started screaming. i love my darling poopsicle, i don't care what anyone says about him. while i am sitting here typing this, it sounds like he is tapping his face on the bottom of his house, probably rolling around in his newspapers again. yep. newspaper crinkling. go home, bird, you're drunk.

i really should go to bed. i say that a lot in my blog, for some reason i always end up posting before i go to bed, so i am always really tired.

hopefully unpacking will go quickly, i am still planning my tea party for the 13th, which is a sunday. i think i need to do a breakfast buffet party sometime after that. breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and i would be happy to eat it all day long if i could. doesn't matter. there is a breakfast food for that.

OH MY GOODNESS THIS FACE. ♥♥♥ i love him so much. i would take him with me everywhere if it wasn't frowned upon. grocery shopping, work, you name it. he would probably sit with me all day and be so content, especially as long as i feed him whatever he wants. this was from this morning, too, we were looking out the window together, and he whistled for me. he will always win my heart.

well, i guess i will leave the crazy bird lady talk be for now. i don't have any new recipes that i have tried, mostly because i have been busy. i found a few, like these key lime coconut cookies and just today these grape jello shot cupcakes (which are super pretty, btw, and purple....for the win). i want to do all these things, but i can't! not for a while yet! not to mention....this game....i want it. i just looked it up today at work, mostly because of the title: akiba's trip: undead and undressed. oh my goodness. its a crazy anime vampire game. in order to defeat them, you have to steal their clothes to expose their skin to the sunlight. holy crap i want to play it, and its only going to be $40.

alright. bed. now.
thanks for reading!

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