....probably all from the same two people, but whatever. it's kind of exciting.
now i am sure you are probably wondering, what is with the farm decor on the popsicle sticks? well, i am pretty sure that i mentioned i was going away for the weekend to help out with a birthday party. i'm pretty sure i did. if not, then that's why.
saturday heather and i (along with a few others) took a 3-1/2 hour trip north for her niece's birthday party, since she is in charge of decorations and party planning. at least for the last couple. she turned two this weekend.
i was in a place that i could pretty much throw a rock at canada and almost hit it. it was a long drive, but once you got to the area it was pretty and scenic. we stayed in a cabin for a couple nights since her moms house couldn't handle all of us. it was also very cold. cold and i don't really get along, so i lived in my hat and coat the entire weekend. we also were surrounded by deer.
this was sunday morning. i did not zoom in, and prior to walking to the car, there were about 5-10 more of them before they ran off. the restaurant that the cabins are rented from puts out hay bales, so there was never not a deer or small animal near by. it was kind of cool. most of them would just stare and lick their faces. the others hid in the woods along the sides of the road.
the party was sunday afternoon, we had set up on saturday night. it was all western/cowgirl themed, there were a couple games for the few kids who came up, mostly just lots of food to be had, but it went off pretty well.
this last one here was easily the best part. birthday girl decided she didn't need any presents or tissue paper, just a disney princess gift bag to wear, in which she immediately took off to the other side of the room with. heather made the little center pieces, got all the cow print garb from the internet, and i assembled the banner. she also made the birthday skirt/outfit.
oh, i was also pelted with balloons.
not that anyone wants to see my face anymore, but you're going to anyway. we had to drive a half hour to the nearest town to get them filled, and i held them down in the back seat of a tiny hyundai accent. it smelled like latex and everything echoed.
snapchat was also my best friend for the whole weekend, wherever i could access wifi. there was no service at all where we were staying. once in a while my "e" service (emergency? idk) would come in, but that was about it. ron and i did snapchat video a couple times since i couldn't use real phone, it was pretty fun. we had lunch/partied (kind of) together.
our second night after the party, but before heading back, mike (her husband/my other boss) wanted to play pool so we stopped off at a local bar. it was deserted. we played a few games, even i did, and i am bad at all sports and games, and i drove us home, since they had a couple drinks (it is heather's birthday today! happy birthday to my other half). when i say i am bad, i mean bad. i was just pushing the balls around the table, heather put half of them in the pockets for me. the one i managed to sink was pretty epic. the cue ball and one of mine were perfectly lined up, like an impossible shot to miss. really close to the corner pocket and everything. i got this? how about i jump the cue ball into the pocket, and completely miss the one that needed to go in there.
i did play a second game though, and somehow managed to win against mike. i don't even know how it happened. ghosts? unbalanced table? no idea.
and how about this asshole? because someone has to make an appearance. i took some pictures of him and posted on his facebook for heather's birthday, since i don't use mine anymore. his friends are the few of my friends that might actually talk to me still, so we can share for now. he's such a dick though. i was sitting in the window and some people came outside from the apartment across from us and he started freaking out. they do this little "dance," for lack of better words, where he holds his wings out a little, dilates his eyes and fans his tail, kind of like, "come at me, bro," when he gets offended or upset. in cosmo's case, he whistles too. and vibrates. because what isn't menacing about a vibrating parrot?
well, i'm hoping to have something for wednesday or so. thursday and friday i work doubles, and this sunday is easter. we are going to stay home this year. things are just......ehh. i don't really want to think about things much. last week was a hardcore emotional rollercoaster. i just know that there will be some big changes if we can swing it in the next year or so. in the mean time, i am gonna snuggle this guy so hard tonight, because i am cold, and haven't seen him all weekend and he had to work after i got home.
stay tuned, loyal viewers, and thanks for reading in the past. i promise i will bring you more treats and recipes this year, more crafts and art (etc) in the next hundred, and hopefully more! by the way, go get yourself a frappucino. apparently its their 20th anniversary today. happy fappucino day! (and yes, i said that on purpose. maybe a story for another time, right kris?)
happy week all! thanks again ♥☻☺☻☺☺☻♥